Why are American girls like this?
I mean we have our fair share of whores here as well but going around twitter nowadays it feels as if every second female in the US is starting to stretch her pussy on camera for some quick money as if it had zero consequences.
Why are American girls like this?
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It's sexually liberating and it pays very well, but there's no possible way you can get raped or physically abused. If you were a semi-attractive girl, you'd be stupid not to do it.
why do incels be like this?
There’s an even more ridiculous job - to advertise these whores for free, like you do.
At what age would Russians start behaving this way?
no shame and "make it" culture
their society lacks the social safety systems more advanced countries have in place, so young women struggling economically resort to whoring themselves out and young men to going to war or prison. It's the American way.
every single time these whores get criticized they bring up the same sob story
>nose ring
>inverted pentagram shirt
>some occult necklace
>"I am doing this for my family!!!"
yeah right, you don't care about your family, you are in an open rebellion towards them. People should stop buyin this crap
alright alright lemme ask the question on all of our minds
where are the fucking leaks?
Women make those because men buy them. And it really has no consequences if you're successful.
This, the whores are bad but the soyfaggots who PAY for shit that you can find thousands of hours of for free on the Internet are the ones who should truly be gassed
Americans value money over literally everything else, including things like romance, chastity, etc. is right, these girls are considered female icons in the USA because they're able to "make it" and be rich/famous/sexually desirable which by USA standards makes them higher value people.
When Islamic countries ruled the world they exported chivalric romance and courtly love. America exports tinder, porn, and strip-clubs.
these whores are no worse than the incels paying them
Americans live in the richest country in the world yet go broke and have to take two jobs or sell their nudes because they spend money on stupid shit like renting movies digitally, buying brand clothes and keeping a car per person
The incels are anonymous so there is no point going after them
Because porn and the internet have become so normalised and ingrained in the mind of the teenager that they do not realise the consequences.
These people do not send a nude to someone else and think to themselves 'Should I really be sending photos of myself like that to people who could be showing all of their friends?'. Not once have they considered the impact that pornography has on their own mental health, no, they have bought the lies, they have swallowed the propaganda, and went for seconds.
These women aren't empowered, they're belittled by their own choices, they have sold themselves as a sexual object to men all while thinking they are somehow fighting sexism.
This, to me, is a major sign of the end of western civilisation. Young boys becoming addicted to porn before they ever hold a girls hand, young girls throwing away their morals for a life of non-achievement.
Read these words Yas Forums, we are doomed, perhaps not in this decade, but likely the next. This new wave of porn girls and weak men? Completely undriven people, with no sense of pride or shame? That is our future, and when we hit that point, it will not be long before a society that stayed true to the human spirit takes over, and our weak men and porn girls won't even bother to fight back.
>anime avatar
>bitter incel
Checks out.
actually you're right, there's no point in blaming the drug addict, we should go after the dealer.
or we should go after the manufacturer, in this case the onlyfans website, or the distributer (web servers, isps)
any dumb faggot who's ever paid a whore for pics or videos should unironically an hero
What is onlyfans?
lmao pathetic
from what I gather it's basically paywalled camwhore site
>implying this isn't massively taking off in europe too
damage control
show me all the germans
Oswald Spengler was right.
paid subscirption "content"
you can say basically patreon but with more "adult" content
its not
i dont know about germany but here in greece many people dont know about onlyfans and many still consider "sex work" not an honourable job
‘Tis’ tradition among American lasses, see: counterpunch.org
How do we “solve” women, bros? It’s clear that their rampant emotional manipulation through withholding sex will be the downfall of mankind, so let’s hear some solutions.
Personally I was thinking legal rape advertised as “sex as a human right”, but it seemed like that might be a slippery slope to legal male-on-male rape. Plus Chad might still win if they “enjoy” the rape more when it’s coming from him.
it's a website where pathetic betas go and give money to random women who play videogames on camera, who in return send them nudes, all because they can't get a real gf
kinda like camwhoring, but with a imaginary layer of chastity and fake intimacy
A website where people upload lewd selfies or porn, and a pool of subscribers pays them monthly to access their content and interact with them.
holy based, women need to controlled.
das pretty based ngl (not gonna lie). bunch of idiots deserve their money taken from them.
Why do roastoids and their orbiters complain about inequality in every other circumstance but instantly enter bootstraps mode whenever sexual inequality is mentioned?
>A woman from West Virginia told Harris and Kline a story about her great-grandmother who was “rented” to coal company agents at the age of 12. She would spend four to six months at a time in sexual servitude in coal camps. “And if the girls had babies, the babies would be taken and sold,” the woman said.
The libertarian dream.
You can meme about incels all you want, but it won’t change reality. Even if sex isn’t a factor the inequality between men and women is abhorrent.
Men are still expected to:
Pay for dates (no different from paying a hooker)
Approach and court her, not the other way around
Step on eggshells constantly to make her feel “comfortable”, because she could drop you at the tip of a hat for some better looking guy off tinder
Have interesting hobbies and career prospects despite her having literally none (when was the last time you met a girl whose interests weren’t The Office, Friends, and travel?)
Not to mention she can frame you for date rape or divorce you at any time for easy $$$
say what you want but my relationship with a streamer has been the most wonderful time of my life, don't bash till you try it
>publicly shaming your male ex is empowering
>uploading revenge porn of your female ex is evil
The sexual revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for mankind.
if people were disciplined enough to affect societal change, we would see insurrection not twitter drama
even alt-righters have at least shot up afew schools/buildings, most left-leaning groups go only as far as protests/blockades
Because all the crap about sexual equality, racial equality, etc. is just a moralistic veneer over a shameless grab for power and privileges.
Instead of complaining about "expectations" of base competence, you should try actually talking to women like human beings. I'm as misogynist as they come, but if you've really never met any quality women in your life the problem is probably you.
Imagine actually white knighting on Yas Forums of all places. Christ, you probably have an onlyfans account.
based thot patroller weeb CHAD GOD
There is pretty big difference between the two, incel freal.
have sex, incel, preferably with me you handsom hunk
No there isn’t. The only reason thots get mad about revenge porn is because they’re not getting paid for it.
I agree with what you said about there being unjust disparities between men and women.
However, nothing you say will change what I think about some degenerate loser with a Goku avatar mindlessly raging at a girl for posting paywalled nudes.
At this point you're just being a retard. I don't think any neurotypical person would confuse revenge porn with consensual one, so the question is legit: are you autistic?
females have a short amount of time before their looks wear out, they have every right to use it to make money
Men can be strong well into their 60s
not really
and then male pattern alopecia happens