Pajeetas >>>>>>> everything else

>pajeetas >>>>>>> everything else

Attached: 1587537456194.webm (576x1024, 1.91M)


Oh no no no how will white men ever recover?


Brown hands are disgusting



Can someone explain what's supposed to be happening in that video?

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She's making fun of soy males.

how new r u?

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how does one acquire a qt pajeeta gf?

My town is filled with Pajeetas and they are very desperate for white boyfriends. A lot of them will message first too. If you have a tinder, set it to the Hague as location.

is the soy boy phenomenon finally recognized by the general public?

I must admit I lold @ this webm and I hate tiktok shit.

props to her

imagine having a gf this based

Would they like Lithuanians?

pajeets who make tiktok are retarded

t. pajeet

don't. They're all shitskin nigger.

Your browser can't play the webm?

I kinda like the Joker guy

Some are fine. Most are retarded and they copy whitoid tiktoks.


they keep me alive

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>i am an indian woman
>i am born in britain
>what must i do
>i know
>appeal to thatcherite audiences

Based Ayy Lmao

big nose

shitskin tooooooooooooo

Hindoo girl broke my heart once
Now I am finished with women


pretty funny