Should brown eyed “””people””” be allowed to reproduce and spread their shit genes?

Should brown eyed “””people””” be allowed to reproduce and spread their shit genes?

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God i wish i were dead...

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more adaptable in the eyes of natural selection > socially constructed shallow beauty standard.

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holy mother of cope

That’s a cope and a half

Are nebulas supposed to be beautiful? They literally look like massacred turds



Sister has brown eyes and three kids. How many do you have?

Your grandchildren will have brown eyes. :)

Thays because she's a female

>special snowflake genes need protection from the brown bvll

Im not gonna have grandchildren because i already have br*wn eyes
I will kill myself so that i wont have to suffer this pathetic existence

I will breed brown eyed women, and since blue eyes are recessive they will likely show up in my grandchildren anyways :)

don't reply to me ever again, rotten-eyed subhumans.

>will likely show up in my grandchildren anyways
Keep telling yourself that.

Makes me wonder what kind of insecure dwellers always go on serious tirades on these threads

My entire family has either green or blue eyes,except my mother who has them brown.Because of her i also have brown eyes .I want to kill myself

>dat flag
>Should brown eyed “””people””” be allowed to reproduce and spread their shit genes?

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Its what i tell all brown eyed women so I can impregnate them with blue eyed seed

Im a shit eyed subhuman, like you

>Inferior genes
I get that ligh eyes look more interesting due to the contrast they make with the pupil, HOWEVER, genetics wise, dark eyes are superior:
>Better sight, fewer
>Higher resistance against sunlight
>Are bigger (more cute).

So fuck off with your shitty bait thread (sage)

Imagine being mogged by a fucking monkey
Brownoids btfo

Same. I hate my shit eyes

>Fewer* vision related illnesses
That was missing.

ps.Saging this shit again :^)

>Better sight
False. My shit coloured eyes have garbage sight
Also false

>Are bigger (more cute).
This is why I like girls with light brown eyes a lot
t. grey eye man

You probably are ugly as a sin and you have shitty eyes, that is purely anecdotical though.

In average, dark eyes are more resilient and present fewer problems, like it or not.