Dog meat tastes good

Dog meat tastes good
Fuck w*stoids and your fuckmates - aka your doggerinos and pupperinos

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And I thought all viets are based seems like there are some exceptions

Westerns are angry with dogmeat now. Wait for them to discover that central Asian eat horse.


You can buy horse here too.

Good thread


Horse meat is eaten here though. Although some people chimp out about it.

horse is eaten in europe too

How could you eat a pure doggo though? real talk.

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Kind of agree with vegans except on eating eggs and milk.
Horses aren't cute so it's fine

I think they have two kinds of different mindset existing at the same time (dog as pet and dog as food)

Uh... because they are just a lump of meat lmao

white women fuck dogs

Rabbit farmers act the same way and they're like, whatever.

As long as it wasn't anyone's pet beforehand desu it doesn't really matter.

At least you aren't drinking Korean wine made from feces (Ttongsul) and pretend like it doesn't exist.

simple as

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they separate rabbits bred for meat and for pets here


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that is much worse than eating dogs. horse is closer to humans than dogs, i will let everyone complaining about dog eating know about this

do you even eat dog though

>some people chimp out about it
What people are those?

rabbit is some good eatin

That's not at all strange though. People eat serpents all the time, why would drinking a liquid infused with them be any different? This is not at all like the shit wine of Korea, as feces are not seen as consumables.

You wouldn't eat a rabbit?

What's the point of this
Why are there whole snakes in the water lmao

fermented drink pickle juice

>where do you draw the line
Across their necks, with a blade

It's just a meaty pickle lmao

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Horse and rabbit meat is consumed here and is a considered delicacy if properly cooked.
There are tales of poor people eating their dogs not to starve to death during WWII.

I would try it but not make it a staple in my diet, I'm open to trying many different kinds of meat except cat and dog. I've tried kangaroo, alligator, elk and a few other ones I can't remember right now.

I don't think it's gross, I just don't see the point of putting a whole snake with intact skin inside a bottle. This seems like dumb shit sold to clueless tourists who want to purchase """exotic""" drinks

They all belongs in the pot. They can't think like us. They are not endangered. They (horse and cattle) are no longer needed for farming and transportation. And while "organic" pets can ultimately die, the advancement of technology guarantees realistic simulations of immortal dogs and cats.

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>Westerns are angry with dogmeat now. Wait for them to discover that central Asian eat horse
Some people see eating the animals they grew up with as a form a cannibalism. A lot of westerners grew up with dogs or atleast close to dogs and cant possible see them as food since sometimes they are even seen as family, me and my family see our dog as part of our family, not gonna lie. That used to be the case with horses too,but now people dont own that many horses so that taboo has been eased or something, but theres always been people eating horse here, I dont think they were specifically raised for meat though, they probably just ate old horses or something. I Cant eat beef because my grandma had a lot of cows when i was growing up and i d always spend time with them, she owned them for milk and cheese making and they were very gentle and loving and now I just cant eat beef it feels wrong to me

but also never buy beef from Britain, anyone remember that scandal from a few years ago when the brits were buying old race horses from here in romania, then butchered them and distributed their meat all throughout europe as beef? THE ETHERNAL ANGLO FORCE FED US HORSES AND THEN LEFT THE EU

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