Map thread

Map thread

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>Latin America literally worse that Africa
It's over

>more than 10

Attached: fuck off.png (807x638, 63.61K)

>implying Africans have police or accurate reporting

wouldnt be surprised that there was more murder in USA than morocco desu
you might have a very simplified idea of africa

i believe it

black people aren't into organized crime

>Even the whitest states in the US have Somalia-tier homicide rates

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Even 90%+ white states have more murder than half of europe. Where did we go so wrong?

Just did some quick research on country homicide does Germany have a higher homicide rate than Italy?

Not him but you know North Africa wasn't the Africa he and the Mexican were referring to.

Literally fake. It was 9.2 in Russia in 2017

Map of anything that has to do with development or economy

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What color is israel? Asking for a friend

What year is this from? I thought Sudacas had higher murder rates

Looks like half of it is bad and the other half is uncoloured

>homicide bad

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in undeveloped country with lots of uneducated citizen, having high death rate is a good thing.
imagine how nice brazil would be if favelados killed each other into extinction.

This is why you're third world and can never reach salvation

Thanks for getting this thread out of the way

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>US is divided by states but Brazil, Russia and China isn't.

Nice shit map.

Europe gets more tourists than the rest of the world combined (672 million vs 655 million)

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eh from what i heard the murder rate in africa isnt as bad as in latinamerica
about 1/3rd of all murders in the world occur in latinamerica
In Africa there are other dangers like bad healthcare, sickness, pandemics... besides a relatively high murder rate but nowhere near latinamerica

they have mass school stabbings nearly every day it's just not reported

what did he mean by this? none of the whitest states are somolia color

How come burkina faso the lightest

SEETHING southerner

>What are Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Washington, Oregon, Nebraska, Kansas, Utah, West Virginia

Nah, i'm from Minas.

Main origin of imports in Africa

Attached: %C3%81frica-Econom%C3%ADa-Desarrollo-Comercio-China-Francia-Espa%C3%B1a-Portugal-Italia-Corea-del-Sur-Principal-socio-comercial-en-importaciones-africanas-1310x928.png (1310x928, 758K)

>they have mass school stabbings nearly every day it's just not reported

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