Mongolian women look nice
Mongolian women look nice
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mongols and turkics are the best looking mongoloids imo
I like them too easily the cutest Asians along with Kazakhs
will you let her Genghis'd you
made for the Big Brown C***
>female cops
You dumb shits are so predictable. First Japanese, then Koreans, now you're moving onto the next Asian FotM like a pretentious hipster thinking it makes your yellow fever somehow more unique.
Can confirm. I was in Mongolia last year and like 8/10 grills there are hot.
I know right? The enlightened yellow fever chad loves all East Asians equally
made for the BBC
I don’t even like asian women just Mongolian and Kazahk because they don’t have a cringe culture like the rest of Asia.
I wonder if their uniform has the "friend or foe" option. Can you confirm Mongolian bro?
I want homey mongolian wифe that will take care of and love me all her heart
>modern women
For me it's always been central asians. It's not even race mixing
Built for BBC.
Based Finn returning to his roots :)
And what if you have a Mongol wife since before the people here started posting the yellow fever shit?
>tfw no Mongol horse archer gf to raid and pillage with.
What even is the point of going on lads?
I dunno
I want her to crush my balls with those tits.
Why is Mongolia so much better than China in every way?
Russian influence. They're more humane than Chinese bugmen.
Because they embraced masculine culture
In China, the traditional path to success is to master a test about Confucianism that had no practical skills like math or science, so these robot nerds could not lead armies against superior masculine cultures
>the traditional path to success
At one point it was literally to have your parents castrate you or castrate yourself.
Even today they actively reject masculine virtues
When Phillip Morris wanted to sell cigarettes in Asia, they found that the Marlboro Man didn't work because Asians saw a hardworking masculine cowboy as a low class common worker
That's a dude.
Han ancestors the Huaxia Confederation were literally very similar to Mongols, if not more savage.
Originally in Chinese it is called 尚武 (martial love, or martial worship), which focus on practical aspect of all sciences. Original Confucianism (especially Doctrine of the Mean) and Legalism are the result of Huaxia culture.
But the Han castrate themselves spiritually and fell for useless literature to satisfy themselves and soon create the point imperial examination to create carbon copies of sick man.
Modern Han are almost the same as these castrated sick Hans that brought destruction to themselves, they have the spirit of learning of Mongol but lacks of martial worship spirit.
>ywn have a steppes gf who rode horses since birth, resulting in thick hips and thighs