How much money does your household get as pandemic relief in your country?

How much money does your household get as pandemic relief in your country?

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mom claimed me as a dependent and I didn't file taxes so I get nothing


0 (zero) BRL

Why? What happened Brazilbro?


Dad is a idiot who didnt do taxes the last 2 years so no trumpbux for him or my mom. He's gotten no response from unemployment yet.
I got trumpbux and also applied for unemployment but I cant finish the fucking form to get my monies because the website is under too much load.

So 3 people $1200. I hate this shit.

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30 USD/month (two people are receiving relief)

The US is sending me 1200 USD. Thank you for your service.

Not elligible for relief. Government can't afford gibs for everyone, only unemployed people and single moms get it.

How can you just not pay taxes in the US? Won't the IRS be on your ass?

600 brl.
Not for me tho

you just dont do them
then roll the dice on when the IRS will eventually decide to gape you

We get the standard $2400 because nobody been laid off

Not everyone owes taxes,most Americans fill out tax forms to get their money BACK from the government.
That said, I think you can still get Trumpbuxx even if you didnt file taxes. You just have to jump through an extra hoop or two

Unemployment support, 50usd/month for 4 months
other small businesses or freelancer also received support, those its isnt enough

I'm getting 2000 coronabux per month. My set monthly bills are about $1000 a month. This doesn't include groceries or fuel for my car. I normally would clear about $3000 a month. I also got a $3000 tax return right before I lost my job, so that is cushioning my income loss, along with the money Monsieur Trudeau is sending me of course.

Well ARE you a dependent? You can rat your mom out if she is lying you just need proof you are living on your own and pay your own bills.

Isn't that retarded?? Eventually they'll catch you.

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Do Canadians normally have unemployment insurance? I ask because it seems that all Canadians get is the flat $2000 for losing their jobs, do you have normal uninsurance on top of that? Or just $2000/mo?

Around $200 US per month for 3 months if you're unemployed because of the shut down. I'm working from home so nothing for me.

thats why most people pay and complain instead of not pay

I'm 18 but I'm still in high school but I have a job but I live with her.

We do have unemployment insurance, or EI as we call it, but it's somewhat of an archaic system and a lot of us, including me, were not covered. This 2000 a month was a bit of emergency policy that the feds whipped up specifically to respond to this pandemic. But no, I am not getting EI on top of that 2k. The whole thing is a bit of a mess and the CRA are going to have a lot of work to do sorting this out when the dust settles.


if your job pays for more than half your living expenses you might be able to call yourself independent, though you need to show a lot of receipts to prove it. And if shes the one paying for the roof over your head and utilities etc. you probably really are just a dependent.

Kind of sucks though that older dependents can't even get the +$500 bonusbuxx for their parents (or whoever) stimulus check.

0 because I’m here illegally but it’s fine because I’m an essential worker (compounder in a pharma company) so I still have income from work

thank you for your service

Lên TV mà lấy

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No problem

>Lên TV mà lấy
imma not unemployed like you
but nhà tao có mẹ tao được nhận hỗ trợ do khách sạn nhà t đóng cửa

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0. Literally fucking 0. The way aid was handed is sketchy as fuck, a lot of people that actually neeeded it didn't get it. Bunch of fucking BS.

Now who is the girl in the OP? I must alleviate my pain with a healthy COOOMING

>Now who is the girl in the OP?
Daniel Sea
not op but i feel that you really need it fren

Thế chừng nào giảm tiền điện?

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biết thế đéo nào đc
có mấy nghìn một số, kể cả mày có là thg wage slave thì cũng phải đóng đc chứ

không rõ liệu đám đóng thuế sẽ đc hỗ trợ hay bọn nó sẽ đi từng nhà hỏi tên như mấy tỉnh thành
chỉ cần giảm tiền nhà thôi, tiền điện đéo cần

0. The relief is that I might be dead by the end of the quarantine

Đang NEET thôi, tiền thì dư sức nhưng nói giảm hoài mà éo thấy đâu

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>Not a pornstar

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chưa đâu
có đám bán vé số ở sài gòn thì đc nhận hỗ trợ rồi
m biết bộ máy chính quyền làm chậm thế nào mà, không rõ bao nhiêu đói tượng sẽ được nhận nữa.

We just have the regular neetbux and union bux. It's different for anyone

It's okay fren, she has enough material.

no, she's a Belarus pornstar those

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such a silly language you boys have