Embarrassing display mexibros

embarrassing display mexibros

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Traduzca para mi por favor

mexican saying he is more spanish than certain people born in spain

I don't speak Mexican and neither should you. Get out of my country.

99%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% shure he doesnt know how to ride a horse

do they really

Do you understand now why the """""Irish/Polish /Italian/whatever"""""-American thing is bullshit?

>americans be like: bro it's the 50% german 25% irish blood in me speaking. so strong
>mexicans be like: bro I'm more spanish than spanish people also my skin is light brown in the sunlight
Is this the wombo combo of total and absolute lack of self-awareness?

Attached: luffy.jpg (447x423, 53.22K)

I'm whiter than Spaniards.

Attached: 20191022_112744~2.jpg (2620x4656, 1.82M)

That's the kind of pale only beaners call white.

They suspended him because they couldn't handle the truth.

Attached: suspended.png (610x357, 9.55K)


Based dum

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Whats the definition of being white besides having a light skin?

>Yo soy

Attached: IMG_0800.png (644x800, 42.65K)

Why is he/she/it so small?

>Yo soy

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Spaniard genetics

>I'm a Mexican of cowboy, catholic and criollo culture, my blood is almost all Hispanic and thus I feel belonging to Spain and Europe.
>This makes me more Spanish than a gypsy/moor who has been born in Spain.
>I don't believe I'm saying anything out of the ordinary.

haha that guy always creates new profiles you can find him in this, i just warn you he's extremely cringe

fuck no.
We don't wanna be related to them

Gracias mexicano hermano

>Calls himself Catholic
>Reivindicates a particular nation
This dude wears his beliefs as fashion statements

Agreed, is embarrassing, I'm sure he got mostly negative replies from other Mexicans

that's nothing

>anime avatar
tells you everything

he is hated in /mx/
Always pushing norteño vs sureño threads but we keep him in line

>Always pushing norteño vs sureño threads
based, fuck olmecs


sounds like tipical whitexican divide and conquer shit

t. olmec

are you whitexican too?


the absolute state of juaitxicans.
I bet he is banging his head on the wall while trying to insert his t.v control remote inside his anus thinking ANLO is evil

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he identifies as these guys

Attached: vestimenta-de-los-Chichimecas1-1024x718.jpg (1024x718, 191.96K)

whiter than you, Juan.

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those are olmecs

what about me?

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Whites are not born, they are made

are you ashamed of your people?

yes I'm whiter than you. I don't look Mexican

I hate most of mexico tho. I wish i could stop caring about it

>anime avatar

Never fails