American imperialism was defeated by THAT?
American imperialism was defeated by THAT?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Better supply lines
>Effective defensive positions
>Support from the population
1. We had a 50:1 KD
2. Junglen*ggering
3. Soviet weaponry
Yep but you'd be hard-pressed to find a major world power in Europe either that didn't also fail against some guerillas in Africa or Asia in the 20th century. Those whole hundred years were a lesson in humility that governments and officers have wholly failed to heed.
Yeah we were definitely planning on colonizing them. It must be why we let go of the Philippines, for the expansion of the American Empire.
Based retard.
He looks like he fucks white American nurses
Shut up, retard. You're completely ignorant on the way the U.S. Government acts and thinks. You really think dickheads like Kissinger are your best fucking friend? Stop defending them. The whole war was an attack on our "ally" (vassal) South Vietnam who we massacred the citizenry of even more brutally than the North. (to little strategic gain)
>Support from the population
That was a bit of a false statement, a lot of the Vietcong were southern communists who went north after the French split then went back for the war. They were pretty brutal to the local S.Vietnamese.
I suppose the locals just realized the Americans would eventually go home the Vietcong wouldn't.
Don't forget the hella sick tunnels
Hmmm yes he was a they had.....
>Unable to gain a foothold in North Vietnam. Student North Vietnamese MiG pilots were sent to China and the Soviet Union for up to three years for training. Student North Vietnamese SAM operators were sent to the USSR for about six to nine months of training.[4][5] Soviet and Chinese Communist pilots were restricted to test flying MiGs which had been exported to North Vietnam from their countries.[6][7] Due to the urgency brought on by Operation Rolling Thunder, and until North Vietnamese missilemen could be trained, Soviet PVO SAM Anti-Aircraft Missile operator/instructors were quickly deployed to North Vietnam in 1965, and through 1966 were responsible for downing approximately 48 US aircraft during the course of defending North Vietnam.[8][9] There is one reported ace pilot from the USSR nevertheless, Col. Vadim Shcherbakov who is credited with 6 air-to-air kills.[10]
Kill-death ratio is meaningless because the Americans didn't commit to decisive strategic initiatives like cutting off the Ho Chi Minh trail or opposing the mass presence of Chinese troops in the North which freed up combat positions.
>KDR is meaningless
You guys love bragging about the 2SJW and your epic 10:1 KDR
Yup. America can't win a war against rice farmers even by killing everybody they see. They carry this failure forward today in Afghanistan. Even when they "win" they hand it over to their enemies, like in Iraq.
Pure Jomon.
I did not say anything about that war, and that ratio is nothing to brag about in any righteous way. Don't conflate the words of "netouyo" with majority opinion. Most Japanese people are not millitarist.
Many of Vietcongs were pissed off farmers that were somehow bullied by American troops or ARVN.
I even doubt if Communism was the first thing in their minds.
Still amazing that this guy fought and survived 4 wars.
It's a rare sight to see a reasonable american on the vietnam war.
I deeply respect Vietnam
O_o saved
Americans be like:
>Muh 100:1 KD
>Muh voluntary pullout
We shouldn't have been there in the first place dickheads
This picture in terms of kino:
VC > NVA > Viet Minh >> ARVN > Montganards >>> amerifat
My ancestor :)
Funny thing is there a Russian hidden in the Americans, can you find it? :)
This is some Trump retard level ""'understanding""" right here.
The ones in power were all communists, the local leaders were communist regroupees and the majority weren't random SV farmers. If they were the tet offensive wouldn't have been a massive failure and 2 million peasants wouldn't have later become boat people. The VC were often more brutal and used intimidation on the South Vietnamese.
>Parallel with this however, was an unmistakable track of coercion and intimidation.[90] Villagers in a "liberated area" had little choice but to shelter, feed and finance the Revolutionary Forces, and were forced to expand the "liberated zone" by supplying manpower for constructing and maintaining supply dumps, fortifications, tunnels, and manufacturing facilities.
>VC "Armed Propaganda" squads conducted a systematic campaign of assassination and kidnapping to eliminate competitors, intimidate the populace and disrupt or destroy normal social, political and economic life. These two tracks: popular support, and coercion/intimidation, were to run on together for a good part of the War.[90]
the NVA was getting supplied by the Soviets and Chinese and the US cut off all funding for ARVN so of course they lost
imperialism doesn't just mean colonizing it also means the domination and exploitation of foreign markets
No it was defeated by North Vietnam violating the Paris Peace Accords and the coward Gerald Ford not nuking Hanoi over it
Yes true, but it always felt fore me that the HCM's cause was more Nationalistic than Communist, only after Le Duan took control its spiralled into gommunism.
American education
South Viets here. South Viet (with exception of Saigon) dont like South Viet government and military.
Whenever they (the military) visit the village they pillage the hell out of it in the name of helping people fighting vietcongs.
The south gov basically a swamp of corruption.
As for American, they are barbaric and brutal even more than thr French which at least contribute a lot to Southern area developement.
It is no suprises and that America and South VN will lose, eventhough the lost was heavy, so what?
People dont like you they want you away even if they killing themselves by fighting super power they just dont want you here.
The History of Vietnam
>Enslaved by China for 1000 years and used as sex slaves
>"Slave girls of Viet, sleek of buttery flesh."
>The writer Nguyen Huy Thiep writes "the most significant characteristics of this country are its smallness and weakness. She is like a virgin girl raped by Chinese civilisation. The girl concurrently enjoys, despises and is humiliated by the rape."
>Vassalized by China for the next 1000 years
>Song Emperor Taizong to King Le Hoan in 979: "You fly and leap like savages. You drink through your noses. When you talk, you sound like birds. Let us teach you the knowledge of the proper laws. Do you want to discard your garments of leaves and grass?"
>Half the "native" dynasties were founded by Han Chinese immigrants
>Enslaved by Ming China
>During military "victories" the capital was destroyed and the main "strategy" was to hide in the mountains while the invaders suffered from heat, bugs and disease and eventually left
>Begged Qing China for help against France
>Colonized and enslaved by France
>Vietnamese were called "Annamites"
>No such thing as "Vietnamese culture"
>Claims they invented rice cultivation
>Literally invented nothing
>Pho was created by Chinese immigrants
>National dish is a sandwich
>Eats rats and monkey brains
>40% of Vietnamese have the same last name
>Vietnamese women are the largest source of mail-order brides in the world
>Vietnamese "traditional" clothing isn't traditional or even indigenous
>"Vietnamese" alphabet was invented by Europeans and forced on the Vietnamese by the French
>Vietnamese "calligraphy" is ugly
>Vietnamese language is ugly
>The epitome of Vietnamese culture is the rice hat
>Traditional Vietnamese dance is a rice hat dance
>US was worse than the French
Yeah no fuck off with that bullshit
100 dongs have been deposited into you bank account, courtesy of the Communist Party of Vietnam
>if service dogs got into tunnels, they would be fish from the traps
The History of America
>genocide innocent natives
>import BBC so white women can feel pleasure
>lose war to canadians
>kill more natives and mexicans for imperialist expansion
>kill each other over BBC
>become powerful only after europe raped itself to death (twice)
>lose war to rice farmers
>become israeli tributary state
>demographically replaced by CHI and BBC
>lose world power position handed to it by China
Half of those things are based
israel would not exist without america