Right wingers, conservatives and all manner of libertarians have lost the fucking plot as a result of this pandemic...

Right wingers, conservatives and all manner of libertarians have lost the fucking plot as a result of this pandemic. These people and parties literally believe in nothing but accruing wealth and power for themselves.

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>Right wingers, conservatives and all manner of libertarians have lost the fucking plot as a result of this pandemic. These people and parties literally believe in nothing but accruing wealth and power for themselves.

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>These people and parties literally believe in nothing but accruing wealth and power for themselves.
You don't say.

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do you expect wealthy white people (all politicans) to not care about money?

>>These people and parties literally believe in nothing but accruing wealth and power for themselves.
>You don't say.

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whats wrong wiht saving people job

>whats wrong wiht saving people job

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are we being raided

im not trump voter, I dont think theres nothing wrong with saving peoples job. Obama did the same thing. You wouldnt like it if you lost your ""job"'

>corporations = the economy

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It's a wojakposter, don't respond

>are we being raided

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Are you new? That's the principle of conservatives. Just pretend nothing changes until is too late.

canadians always make the worst posts
i bet your countrymen in alberta would love any bit of help to keep their businesses alive

>It's a wojakposter, don't respond

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Does anyone know anybody that's lost their jobs and want one back

The American right wing believing in business??? OMG who would have guessed!!!??? Go back to school Chan.

>cuba or venezuela use the state to prop up their industries
>america uses the state to prop up their industries
all governments are hypersensitive when it comes to fuel and hydrocarbon production
besides, aren't libertarians all about letting companies collapse?

>Right wingers, conservatives and all manner of libertarians

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i'm furloughed and i'd love to fucking work
i'd also like for the company to still be viable whenever the shitty governor says we can reopen

>canadians always make the worst posts
>i bet your countrymen in alberta would love any bit of help to keep their businesses alive

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Shale producers are unironically the goodest of guys in the industry and deserve whatever help they receive to survive OPEC's perfidious schemes

>are we being raided

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the absolute worst posters to have ever existed on this site
that's no small feat

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>are we being raided

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>the absolute worst posters to have ever existed on this site
>that's no small feat

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It's more like 2018

>trump want to save people’s job
>Orange man bad

You mean the same right wing who wants everything made in usa while keeping the same cheap prices from china?

>trillions for wars and corporate subsidies = good
>a couple billion towards social welfare = impossible

Yes, letting a whole industry collapse will work out for the people who live where said industry is a major part of the economy. It has a history of working out well.

you should have listened me

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You want to be paid with a pittance of what you put into the public purse?

Strawmanning should be a sin
>aren't libertarians all about letting companies collapse
No, that would be accelerationists

>the absolute worst posters to have ever existed on this site
>that's no small feat

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>Yes, letting a whole industry collapse will work out for the people who live where said industry is a major part of the economy. It has a history of working out well.

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>the absolute worst posters to have ever existed on this site
>that's no small feat

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>you should have listened me

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Normally I would be in favor of letting them fail, but certain industries, like oil for example, should maybe be protected for strategic reasons.

someopne should save my job (NEET)

A few weeks of strict quarentine and a lot of testing would make you reopen your economy in a month or two, but because you are retarded you are just increasing the damage to the economy and killing people

I think trump melted your brain on what the american right really is. They've always been big business, Trump just pandered to the blue collar after the Democrats fucked them over.

i really can't stand you people anymore. personal responsibility for everyone but the wealthy is it? you are hypocrites.

I know more people who have lost their jobs from the panic than people who have died from Wu Flu


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>i really can't stand you people anymore

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How did anything I say relate to your response? Trump is a reactionary retard but everyone here who thinks we won't have to spend money to keep things a float a few months is equally retarded.


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>i believe in small government and open market economics
>saving people’s jobs/industries good

if you cant see the irony of this you are too far gone.

I know 0 people who lost their job
I know 0 people who died from Wu Flu (aka Corona Virus which is not a flu)
I know 1 person who had a psychotic breakdown and is now in Psych ward. I blame the lockdown/memedown.

>A few weeks of strict quarentine and a lot of testing would make you reopen your economy in a month or two, but because you are retarded you are just increasing the damage to the economy and killing people

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If it's an essential public good why isn't it managed by the public and its rewards shared to public? They are already on the hook for the losses apparently.

not strawmanning, state grants and low interest credits backed with public funds to stimulate national industries is a staple of left wing policies and authoritarian/nationalist right
also I'm pretty sure I saw an interview of ron paul or whatever that libertarian politician was during the 2008 crisis saying how the banks and companies that received a lifeline from the government should have been left to their own devices

>personal responsibility for everyone but the wealthy is it? you are hypocrites.

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trumpp was never the former and pretty much nobody is anymore sooooo who gives a fuck?