
the most based man from the most based tv series.

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what happened to thailad

caught by thai police for being a nonce

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good one kid

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What does Islam say about this sort of sadism? Killing is one thing, but these sick fucks do it in ostentatious ways for no reason other than perverse enjoyment.

Chad was deafed by the vinrgin Octavius.

amusing meme

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nothing isis did was islamic
there's a reason they mainly killed muslims
saudi royals created a death cult, simple as

Kicking a hornets nest

a fanabla

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literally or metaphorically?

Hollywood actors fall short in representing these great men.

what are the loopholes on the covid regulations?
as far as I can tell, you can use exercise as an excuse to go anywhere

reckon this lockdown has caused a staggering number of 'cides

James Purefoy was the biggest wasted opportunity for Bond. He's too old now but Rome era Purefoy as Bond would have been kino

religion and culture are intertwined
culture produces the religion
religion (and the way it is expressed) reflects the culture

Why is the zoomer haircut popular at all? Reminds me of Bagon from Pokemon

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stay safe

don't get me wrong, I liked him, he was an amusing character, but no one was as based as Mark Anthony
Cato was based as well, underrated character (even though he was on the opposing side).

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If anything a shit load of break ups or divorces. The statistics are going to be interesting to read once we get the final count

unironically le nazi youth

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actually I'm glad he wasn't bond
bond is such a fucking caricature of a character, I rather not see based Purefoy lower himself to Bond level movies.

will do

>The long night is over. The crown of government is tarnished - but that will fade in time.
>The riots, a fever dream; the plague, a horrible nightmare; and like everything else that's happened such things will only be dimly remembered upon waking to their normal lives.

the fella from highlander should have been bond


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Daniel Craig ruined Bond
He's a manlet with a tiny frame and nothing about him is masculine
Bond should be played by a real man like a Connery type

fucking hate zoomers.

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oh dear oh dear

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They should set a James Bond Film in a different era, if they really want to be fresh. Why not around the time of The brits in Afghanistan, or in the far future.You can take liberties with the historicity, it's a Bond film after all.

>Gen 3

need a prehistoric bond

Dutch bond is the stroopnegger who steals naughty children away

Capitalism lol

GAGGING for some maltesers lads

why DO tumblr artists do that wide-reddened-nose thing

redpill me on the latter day saints

me grug, grug grug

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>they mainly killed muslims
because they could only find muslims to kill
when they found a non-muslim it was party time

they knock on your door then wont fuck off

not a bad idea mate, but would eschew the far future idea

naked in bed lads

*starts stuffing maltesers down your throat till you can’t breathe*

we need to take flattening the curve seriously
i do not appreciate these memes poking fun at it at all

we all need to do our part to get through this and we need to support one another because we are going to have to be locked down at least until 2021 but possibly later

they think making their noses red (in art and irl with makeup) makes them look cute
they're pretty much all weeaboos so maybe they want to look like their cringey cartoons

people who think jesus was born in america and do everything in their power to keep israel a thing because its in their doomsday prophesy that jews are in the holy land when jesus returns

Understand a bit of christianity in that it needs to be a bit of a cult where you stop speaking to people who disagree with it for it to last long term but it falls short because of the yank stuff. Pales in comparison to the based Jehovas Witnesses

>we are going to have to be locked down at least until 2021
no we're not
it'll be over before christmas
t. pic related

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