I used to be against race mixing but now I'm only attracted to Latinas (I'm white)

I used to be against race mixing but now I'm only attracted to Latinas (I'm white).

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Ok just don’t call them latina
It’s like saying nigger for us

what the fuck. can some other BRs weigh in here?

also you're a fag OP and don't deserve them

What should I call them?

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Here we say white(including brown hair and eyes, mixed(Mulata) or black
Latino is a USA term that’s not used here


oh i'm aware it's not used there as every single time BR is refered to as latinoamerica at least one BR has to come in and VEHEMENTLY refuse the Latino demonym but i mean the nigger part. Why do people see it as pejorative?

Most people don’t even know what that means
All my life I thought Latinos were like mexicans
When I came on Yas Forums and was called latino is was like wtf

me too, i learned spanish and bred half of south america last year

I'm happy you took the brownpill m8. Welcome aboard!

I mean idk how it is in Spanish speaking courtries maybe they like that shit but if u call a brazil monkey that u might lose a friend

Stop caring about pity Yas Forumscel things such as muh racemixing, dawg. Whites will be extinct by 2200 (and I'm being VERY charitable here) either way, so relax.


I dated a Brazilian girl. She referred to herself as Latina and said most of her friends in Brazil did too. I think the offense thing is just a meme. If you're worried, just refer to people by their specific nationality.

this guy is an american from New Jersey who's an expert in Brazil
he traveled most of Brazil
watch with subtitles


Yeah the subtitles are messed up cause of his american accent but basically he’s saying we’re NOT latino

and what exactly are his reasons? i can only catch so much

He’s saying that he travelled thru Hispanic countries also and their cultures are similar so much so that u get news from another Hispanic countries in other Hispanic countries but not in brazil Brazil have their own culture which is different (exemple reggaton vs baile funk)
Also temperament and so forth.. brazil is its own thing and Hispanic countries share a culture that Brazil is not a part of

okay that's what i thought. but how does that differentiate them from the Latino demonym? Latino is not defined by culture but, literally, by it's high degree of connection with Latin, no? I guess that's the point of contention nowadays



Like I said before most people here don’t even know what latino means
Here not taught in school that we are latino
It’s not part of everyday life
Americans use the word latino a lot cause there’s a lot of Hispanic people in America and the word latino is easier to say then Hispanic but is not common in brazil if u call someone latino it sound like a diss
U can say it but it feels alienating to brazilian ears trust me

It's latinx, not latin*, Please don't use slurs, thanks!

okay that makes sense

>I used to be against race mixing
Did you realize being an incel was much worst?


God dam im in college and I have to swallow this shit. Its fucking stupid.

Lol what u reggaton shithole wannabe yuropeon FAGGOT

Shut the fuck up white boy

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Your children will be autistic tranny manlets

Race mixing is only ok when one of them isn't black.


Latino comes from Latino-Americano (as opposed to anglo-americans).
Brazilians are latinos because portuguese is a romance language.
Hispanic does NOT encompass Brazil. Hispanic refers to Spanish Speaking Latin American countries, pan-hispanic includes Spain. Hispanic never includes lusophone countries. As for wanting to use latino/hispanic as a race, no such thing they're either white or mixed. It's like saying american is a race.
STFU monkey retard afavelado.

I realized I remembered incorrectly. What she said was that most White Brazilian women rarely refer to themselves as Latinas but accept the name just fine. I asked her again right now (we're still friends), and she said that those who are insulted are trying really hard to distinguish themselves as White, and that it's otherwise considered a mistake but not an offensive one.

I understood him just fine. He notes cultural differences, and his points are valid, but the Brazilians commenting are largely saying that they are Latinos/as but not Hispanics.

Wait, do people actually use this? I live in California, and I've never heard it irl.

>Wait, do people actually use this? I live in California, and I've never heard it irl.
So far only hipsters and academia. No one uses this.

You are correct.

Double cringe

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Racists use latin* instead of the proper terminology, latinx. My professor also said that it's transphobic to indicate your sexual preference by using a gendered slur. So please do better.


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>Latino comes from Latino-Americano

well no, because you are latino

Same, I used to hate niggers and now I'm BLEACHing one.

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