Do you go to parties in your cunt?

Do you go to parties in your cunt?

Are you going to go party once the pandemic is over?

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I'll probably do too much drugs once it's all over

The pandemic will never be over.


I've only ever been to two parties. I wasn't invited to either of them. My freshman year of college, I went with some guys who lived on my floor to crash parties in the part of town where off campus upperclassmen lived. We ended up stealing a case of beer and just going back to the dorms.

fuck you're sad cunts

>be me at party
>talk some nonsense with people I kinda know
>get bored and sick of all the people
>hang out somewhere alone and continue drinking
it's just not worth it. you will never feel like you belong.
drink beer at home.

i've only been to a party once but didn't know what to do there so i went back home

>didn't know what to do there
drink, talk, reminisce, make friends, have a discussion about something cool or current event, play a game.
You'll tell me all of these things are useless but they do bring you a lot. Knowledge, relationships and overall mental health are good things.

It's difficult at first, just don't be too defensive about your opinions or too clingy and you should be fine. But also do not be afraid of joining in.

Yeah, where else will I network for drugs?
For sure, I miss dancing. Been getting plenty wasted by myself though

>make friends
my mom keeps telling me the same but it's easier said than done



>drink, talk, reminisce, make friends, have a discussion about something cool or current event, play a game.
You'll tell me all of these things are useless but they do bring you a lot. Knowledge, relationships and overall mental health are good things.

>It's difficult at first, just don't be too defensive about your opinions or too clingy and you should be fine. But also do not be afraid of joining in.

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Just dance, its the key to socializing. One time I was the very first person on the floor, had done a ton of k and just kind of lost myself in the rhythm. When I came to there were people all around me absolutely losing it and some thicc art hoe was grinding on me, it was a really beautiful experience. To go from feeling "alone" out there to being surrounded by other revelling souls, bathing in their bioelectric fields

yes i get drunk fast and everyone makes fun of me but i like it

I never went to a house party in my entire life or the club. I’m 25yo virgin.

God I miss drinking and getting high in the park.

Been to many parties in my youth lol it's fun and all even made out a few times but I kinda outgrew it. Now I haven't been to anything in 2 years. I prefer silence and intellectual stimulation over plain drinking till u pass out

I hate having fun.

fucking FLIP FLOPS

once in a while

probably yes.get crossfaded and think about meaning of life

You should go to one user. I was also a a virgin in my 20s. I got drunk and had a lot of fun.

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Hell yes I definitely am, drink, talk do drugs, meet new people, mosh than wake up to some random person in the morning not remembering what happened

You mean drinking until I fall asleep in an apartment with a bunch of people I barely know? Yeah, happened a few times.



No, i cherish my inabilty to meaningfully connect with other people

"Partying" as normies know it is weak shit. Nothing will ever beat the high of being in a firefight everyday for weeks.


best thing about parties is girls pissing in public.

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grills do this in your country too?

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What town are you from?

check this out

Yes, as long as the booze will be free and face control wouldn't try to disarm me

>He thinks parties are gonna be allowed anytime soon

Oh no no no, we're living in the post party world now. Extroverts on suicide watch, social distancing and gatherings of 5 tops is the future.