Why is south america so full of sissies?

why is south america so full of sissies?

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daisy taylor

thank you brother
To answer your question I always assumed it was a cultural thing kinda like in Thailand

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my money is on the fact that south america is full of toxoplasmosis

our sissies have bigger dicks than you and can probably beat you in a fight and rape you if they wanted.

Meanwhile, you invite muslims to your country so they can rape you and run you over with their trucks of peace, all while paying for their welfare.

All while having traps and effeminate men.
In essence : it's a non issue - if you knew what life these trannies have here on the streets you'd understand that they're literally manlier than you kek.

Eurogays are cringe as fuck

why are you triggered? I like daisy taylor
I just want to know why there are more shemales in south america than most of the world.

Imteresting theory, is there any link between toxo and transgenderism?
bruh relax nobody is throwing shade on South America for their prodigal output of traps and trannies

seek help

>is there any link between toxo
>Correlations have also been found between antibody titers to T. gondii and OCD, suicide in people with mood disorders including bipolar disorder.[154][160] Positive antibody titers to T. gondii appear to be uncorrelated with major depression or dysthymia.[161] Although there is a correlation between T. gondii and many psychological disorders, the underlying mechanism is unclear. A 2016 study found that "there was little evidence that T. gondii was related to increased risk of psychiatric disorder, poor impulse control, personality aberrations or neurocognitive impairment".

>mood disorders
>poor impulse control
>personality aberrations
sounds like the perfect soup for creating trannies.

too much gracile med genes


south america, really?

But there aren't.

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everyone knows south america is known for shemales.

its just brazil & colombia desu


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I'm not talking about mexico by the way you mong

He said Sudaca america not mexico


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why are mexicans so fucking stupid?

He is an olmec

>Mudslime calling others stupid

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It's a hight t thing, you wouldn't understand...

stop embarrasing me olmec

I didn't even larp
nothing I have said is about muslims
the mexican is just triggered because he thinks I'm talking about mexico when I'm talking about brazil and the rest of them down there so the only thing he could make up was calling me a muslim

You have larped a muslim before

no I haven't
are you people all mentally ill that you think there's only 1 person from my country on Yas Forums?

there is more than 1 person from your country but there is only one who makes lots of threads about latam

wtf is latam?

playing dumb now?

ok I googled it
also wtf are you talking about I barely ever see threas about latin america, let alone made by a dutch flag
take your meds schizo

ok lol

now I'm curious, link to the threads you're talking about
usually if I'm on Yas Forums I'm only in the dutch and brit thread and nowhere else.

idc enough to link them

you cared enough to make 5 posts to accuse me of some nonsense and now you refuse to even show me wtf you were accusing me of? lol