Why are japanese tropes like this?

why are japanese tropes like this?

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Anime is pretty juvenile. Even the supposedly mature and deep ones are laughable. There are no Eastern equivalents of Breaking Bad, Mad Men, The Wire, etc.

People recommended me Welcome to the NHK as if it's the most insightful and depressing anime ever and it's gay as fuck

>Anime is pretty juvenile. Even the supposedly mature and deep ones are laughable. There are no Eastern equivalents of Breaking Bad, Mad Men, The Wire, etc.

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t. japanese soldier stationed in wyoming


Nostalgia critic is cringe nugger faggot but what the fuck has this post common with telling truth about anime?

Why are you comparing a book and a comic?

Ah man. How I miss late 00s - early 10s Internet. What happened to spoony is fucking terryfying.

I really thought it would be good after all the recommendations but it stunk. Watamote (a FOTM a few years ago) sucked as well.

>t. japanese soldier stationed in wyoming

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Shit the fuck up you retard. At leaat he is not as cringe as your pathetic copy of him, who 'reviews' retarded para-document trash like 'trudne sprawy'

i fucking would

>Nostalgia critic is cringe nugger faggot but what the fuck has this post common with telling truth about anime?

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I don't know some people will say the after effects of WW2 but that doesn't work given their cinema in the 50s and 60s.

Replace the left side with "It's a HBO shows with bad writing and unnecessary sex scenes shoved in every 5 minutes".

I also hate him. He's even worse and you should seek psychological help if you have so abhorrent anger issues

why do you post MY polish crossdressers?

They paired up that description with Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica?? Really? Those lil girls are the real deal they aren't 1000 year old dragons ok, and they aren't sexual charged its very deep deconstruction of the mahou shoujo genre, dont expect a retard from Yas Forums to get it

Worst HBO show is still better than 99% of anime.

Yeah, thats true. The infantilisation of Japanese culture began in 1970s

>I also hate him. He's even worse and you should seek psychological help if you have so abhorrent anger issues

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cringe dumb weeb

>>t. japanese soldier stationed in wyoming

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Fuck off back to karachan, you retard. Your "critics" like 'mietek' are absolute shit

>cringe dumb weeb

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>>>t. japanese soldier stationed in wyoming

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Yas Forums isn't a fucking social network. it's an anime site. fuck off if you don't like anime, like what are you even doing here dumb shit

>Yas Forums isn't a fucking social network. it's an anime site. fuck off if you don't like anime, like what are you even doing here dumb shit

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Unironically kill yourself wykop scum

>>>>t. japanese soldier stationed in wyoming

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European always stick to realistic style.
It is so boring and uncreative.

How is this wrong

It's funny because none of what is described on the right applies to that anime (Madoka) in particular.

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>Anime is pretty juvenile. Even the supposedly mature and deep ones are laughable
great post.

>>>>>t. japanese soldier stationed in wyoming

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>>>>>>t. japanese soldier stationed in wyoming

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