Why does the rest of Canada hate Quebec so much?

Why does the rest of Canada hate Quebec so much?

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Dumb questions like that are why we hate you

Why does Quebec have such a victim complex

They're jealous because Québec has culture.

They promote disunity and they have a bit of a persecution complex going on. Funny thing is that I still like them more than Ontario or Western Canada. They are our brothers even though they can be dicks at times. Quebec and Atlantic Canada are the True Canada.

bunch of mouthy welfare cunts that believe they are better then the rest of Canada. Does not contribute anything of value at the federal level of politics, always takes more, than gives.
I think its because they are some sort of Jewish/ Indian hybrid, in current year not only is the victim an Identity it is also a business model.

They bring shittons of Algerians and Haitians only because they speak French

And Anglo Canada brings in Changs and Pajeets by the millions

Sadly this is true. immigration should be conducted on the provincial level.

>They promote disunity
>proceeds to promote multiculturalism

Ontario and Quebec are "true Canada." Provinces to the west or east are just resource colonies.

They're entitled, annoying, and always make trouble for everyone else. They're "special", you see. "A nation within a nation" my ass. Bunch of uppity frogs.

We're weirdly culturally closer to haitian people than anyone else in north america that isn't the maritimes.

What do you mean by this? Haiti is totally different country than Quebec

Enough of the Jewish trickery, Anglo

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just ontario and alberta, i don't care at all about them

I can see the similarity. Without Anglo support Quebec would be another third world French cesspool in the new world.

Reminder that this is the truth and those that disagree are jealous

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Third world you say?

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>Without Anglo support Quebec would be another third world French cesspool in the new world.

Imagine being this delusional.

Because welfare provinces like Alberta and Saskatchewan wouldn't survive without the money coming from Québec, so these uppity rosbeefs feel the need to project their inferiority complex to the superior francophone people.

the rest of canada actually likes quebec, they want quebec to stay in confederation, but those who see reality (like me) know that quebec is a nuisance and what quebec integrated or out

haitian immigration in quebec is rather old. Alot of expression between haitian creole and Québec french can be intelligible. In fact, it's easy for us to read wikipedia in kreyòl ayisyen.
Simply because the average Quebeccer can compréhend their household language, atleast half of the haitian community is half quebecer in Quebec. All I said is based on personal experience with friends. I guess historical background with france is the reason for that and the fact that french in north america is minimal.

Why do you think the separatist movement is dead? It's because all of those idealistic left-wing boomers grew up, they are at retirement age and have no interest whatsoever in being part of the economic shit show that an independent Quebec would be. Your way of life is 100% dependent on English Canada.

post a picture of yourself than and prove it lol

>Your way of life is 100% dependent on English Canada.

Do angloids really believe this? If so, then you are even more stupid than I initially thought.

to be fair if quebec became independent it would have a good enough economy, it's not like it would a shithole, but it would be more poor

Cause they're not supposed to be there but they are

don't hate them, just wish they were more financially responsible so they don't pressure the provinces that are.

>Your way of life is 100% dependent on English Canada.
I completly agree, our food is actually authentic anglo-canadian origin 100% BVULL. Bombardier was not founded by a man saving his village but by alberta in the 20s. Even words such as kayak are from the english word boat. Thanks god they translated to national hymne in french, this pur authentic english song of vancouver song.

i like them

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