Considering we are 40% of the US population and 60% of the economy and 80% of the military, how powerful would we be as our own country?
How successful would the Southern US be as a country?
I think we would've done fine, although I wonder how emancipation would've turned out.
I think we would've eventually turned into apartheid South Africa, and even more blacks would've started leaving than they did in real life.
We could've been 100% white by now. Sad.
Great for elites, horrible for everyone else. They would be 4th most powerful nation in North America after the US, Canada, and Mexico. US would pussy them into submission in trades and such.
Don't a large number of southern states leech off the federal givernment? Wouldn't the only successful one would be texas?
If you got independence right now? Fairly decent
If you got independence before 1870?
You'd unironically be English speaking North Brazil.
Florida and Texas would continue to get companies from the rest of North America
We’d have all the nukes though
You think those two would be willing to carry the rest of the state's for gibs? And then the massive migration it would occur.
Are you implying we would've been third world? :(
I think millions of people from the rest of the US would move to the south (especially right wing types who are the majority in the US) than vice versa
it would literally just be all of them leeching off texas
Wtf lol if they haven't done it now, they never will. Anyone with half a brain knows a dead end state when they see it. Most likely they will flood texas or Florida at a higher rate than it is.
At least try to put some truth in your delusions.
Then Texas and Florida would form a competing Wall Street and Silcon Valley and Hollywood along with a much better agricultural sector
>right wing types are the majority in the US
what? dems normally always win the popular vote
This is some isis propaganda shit.
>have the chance to send them all back
>refuse by killing the dude who was going to repatriate them
>160 years later
>neither has left, still live in close quarters while pretending to hate the other
You retards love niggers and I can’t believe you can’t see it. Even your God Emperor Strom Thurmond railed against darkies and shilled segregation while having himself a secret black family lmao
You faggots will never be anywhere near 100% white because you love blacks and literally cannot live without them.
"third world" doesn't even cut it.
Your plantation system was exactly like Latin America, in fact you'd be seen as part of the Poor America with Latin America, Colombia tier.
It was thanks to the heavily industrial North that you all went alright in the end.
What are the top growth states in the US? Let me know
Then why the he'll would they need the rest of the leeching gibs? So far things are going great for them.
Like today South Africa or Brazil
I don't give a shit about that, just the idea of propaganda being spread out the southern states is a right wing utopia that accepts you and needs you is exactly the sa. e shit issue put out in their videos for western retards only to find out it was all a lie and a total war torn shithole.
>he thinks the nukes, nuke bases or nuke commands in ANY COUNTRY are composed of anyone whose loyalties are not a minimum of extremely well-vetted
It’s not a Wal-Mart Cletus, where everyone there lives within the same 15 miles. Everyone there is from all over and can be reasonably assumed to be very pro-USA. Additionally there are undoubtably a shit ton of codes and manual security measures to keep some retard colonel going through a messy divorce from showing up and annihilating SE Asia. Even shitholes with nukes like Pakistan manage this. Come on friend use your head.
>mfw imaging anyone who is a Southern nationalist trying to build their own nukes with their 8th-grade education
If the south separated after the civil war you guys would be shit. The north pumped in hella cash into the southern economy you all were agrarian and only had 1/5 of the countries factories. You would be similar to brazil.
If you seperated now youd still be shit. The north still pumps in tons of money into the south and you all fall behind when it comes to education, infrastructure, health, and pretty much everything else. Youd be eastern europe tier if you left now
You faggots don’t actually have a military at all, you have military bases because your states are poor as fuck and/or sparsely populated as fuck. So you desperately needed the money or no one wanted to live there anyway.
Those bases in any event don’t “become yours” with everyone inside instantly switching over if the boog happens. Instead you get to deal with tens of thousands of enemies dispersed throughout your “country” the second hostilities start, which will take weeks if not months to suppress while Uncle Sam has ample time to gather forces.
It could probably function, but there would immediately be a huge political divide between Texans/Floridians and the rest of the South.
Like South Africa but Whites would have been more numerous, so more successful
Most money you pump in benefits Blacks, I fail to see why I should care if Laqueesha with 8 kids gets her welfare check
how successful would they be on their own
>filled with Cubans, blacks, spring breakers and retirees from wealthier northern states
In other words, while populated, not so much so with people that you’d expect to be down with the cause or of any use (70 yo obese white American-bear meme boomers are supportive of Facebook ramblings are any indication, but 70s are a burden not a military asset)
I really don’t think you should rely on Florida’s entire population being an asset.
South Africa because interracial marriage would have been illegal and any bastard born in miscegenation would be classified as a slave (or just a negro after the CSA inevitably abolishes slavery)
we would be extremely successful if doing so would allow us to build our own wall and kick out illegals in sanctuary cities, which would likely be the case. the only thing that threatens our hegemony are illegals.
>big state with oil between 2 regional powers
Could be very successful if they didn’t hang with the other incompetent retarded southern states. Better to go it alone than be stuck with that sinking ship.
Sadly it was never possible, too underpopulated to not get annexed by USA or Mexico
its always the niggers. If it it isn't them, its the kikes, and if it is not them, it is the gays, and if not them, then the non jesus lovers, etc. It is always something else except themselves, maybe that is why majority are such shitholes that no one wants to leave if possible.
>60% of the economy
thanks for the laughs, redneck
Assuming the rest of the US doesn’t immediately embargo them and push the rest of the world to do the same? Pretty successful. Realistically though, Texas would collapse in to a 3rd world country after being harshly politically and economically pressed to not secede.
Yea but yanks don’t know how to fight, shoot or cum so I’d say one Dixie confederate could take out around 20 of y’all before you kill him.
Where would you find enough soldiers to take out the South?
Brazil 2.0
Mexico is hardly the issue. Texas would fuck Mexico’s shit up in a second if they got any bright ideas of trying to conquer it and actually be able to extend its effective military presence in to Mexican territory. But the US is another issue entirely.
>especially right wing types
>who are the majority in the US
lol the delusion. Most Americans are apolitical. Polls show that both major parties are close to around 30% each, while the rest of the country considers themselves Independent. When asked their opinion on individual issues and not their opinions on the performance of politicians and political parties, they lean more center left. Americans in general do not pay attention to politics because they correctly identify it as a waste of them since both parties only cater towards the elites.
Keep your masturbation fantasies to yourself.