Hair of Yas Forums

hair of Yas Forums

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same as yours but thicker and a better hairline on the front, no offense

>zoomers of int

Something like thsi

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it's fine, my hairline's always been like this

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Animu hair

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Woah, basically twins

The whitest man on int

blonde chad. look at that jawline

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That's pekka-eric


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ew gay alien skull

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My nafri brothers
Same hair btw

He looks like a wh*toid
I'm pure dravidan

You gay?

You got similar hair. Dark, thick and very curly

200% chance of being gay

Based Brachy Brother

im italian
i keep my hair like that on purpose his is just shit
wtf cute


What state?

Seething wyte boy
He is your white euro brother
I am a southern indian black BVLL
Not exactly but Egyptians are based too

Sorry brah, can't tell the difference

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Tx :3

Ahhh, pretty far. How's it there being gay?

I got a baby picture.
It's more strawberry blonde now.

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How does your hair look so freshly cut during quarantaine though? Also that's not balding dude

I like Flanders. Been to Brugge, Leper, and Gent

Are you that cute twink?

i havent showered in 2 weeks

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no one rlly cares lol. most zoomers are basically bi so being gay isnt rlly a big deal

my mommy cuts it for me, and I used to have thicker hair 10 years ago (pic)
Good taste, unlike people who visit br*ssles or antw*rp

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I don't think so.

sadly it look nothing like this in daily life, but more of a virgin mess, so I always wear a cap.

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looking good pal :)

Are you a Limburg Chad too?

Me on the right

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I thought it was a pic of that skinny dog with long hair

Me on the left

Looks like a horses ass

some user told me I should trim it

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Waasland virgin

dude work out your neck

Ever think of a haircut?

My hairline is receding too

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no, haircuts need maintenance, i just let it grow and wash it

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der juden mussen in der ofen gehen

Gay alien skull lol dolicephalic heads will always look weird.

What product do you use?