
fuck off

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uh oh..

fuck fuck fuck fuck my mom has the absolute cutest milf friend and I can't handle it anymore, it was fine when I was younger but now I'm fucking done, and I never felt that way about her, it all started like a year ago, her voice is cute af, her face is cute af, her laugh is cute af, her tits are massive, her hips are wide af, her scent is like raw sex she's like the ultimate baby making machine and she's been spending the whole day in our house because of this coronavirus fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK

unironically kill yourself

no fun allowed

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>Yas Forums related

what did the fat hotpocket man mean by this?

New tracking status update on the parcel to Taiwan
>return initiated
Wonder what the FUCK their problem is and why they let me piss 20€ shipping fees out the window.
Fuck DHL

all anime is officially Yas Forums related

im unironically writing a feedback about this powertripping fatass
what do I write?

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ask her out

christ what a faggot janitor
at least he didn't give you a 3 day

holy damn
what the hell is wrong with that janny

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the custodian

god i want to lick his armpits

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literally seething right now

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when in the course of Yas Forumsitical events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds that are supressed by fat power tripping hot pocket gorgers


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I can hear her talking and laughing downstairs, the whole fucking day, holy shit dude you have no idea how cute she is, it's fucking unbearable

Sounds based to me. Flirt with her and gauge interest

I quit

this is my last post for all eternity


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Goodbye Shahar

ANGRY right now, at this very moment in time

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pls don't :(

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Just in absolute agony right now

do not (you) my posts please

I need my space

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it takes more to make a king than a broken elvish blade

why would he do that

it was a nice thread

will he delete this one too?

I can't handle this

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he won't, janny is just being a janny

delivery guy is named Xavyher

I just want janny to die in agony, lads.

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only east asian cougars can be cute

What was your impression of him?

not a chance dude, not even remotely, I'll go have a walk and listen to depressing music like the loser I am


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I take that back

no one deserves death

but I hope he like stubs his toe or something

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i want you to die you little faggot retard

Feel like taking a shit tbph but I'm pissed rn so I don't want to go to the cold toilet but instead just sit angrily on my comfy chair


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It could be a good way to channel it, especially if you yell during

fk is a poop fetishist

calm down jan


I sent in a feedback about janny

I hope they cut his pay

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Urge to shit won over my anger

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these are cougars

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janny more like fanny

fuck off pedo scum

how will they cut his pay if he doesn't get any pay?

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>melted cheese on noodles

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ummmm dude... not cool.

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oh God i just saw the first 5 seconds of this and i already feel like puking, i'm sorry but this is grotesque for me

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that can't be true
theres no way he REALLY does it for free, does he?

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shahar no

Hey Janny I’m taking a shit
Never felt so close to you ahaha sorry to see you go BITCH *flushes*


every time i make coffee it causes me stomach ache

i swear i just saw like 20 seconds of it and my stomach already made noises

that food looks so good especially the cheese (I actually just had ramen I melted cheese on a few minutes ago).

Don't know how people can watch this shit though, the sound of people eating is repulsive. Maybe it because my cousins use to hit me when I chewed with my mouth open

Do people get off to this?
It reminds me of that one lady who's been kidnapped and forced to eat like 10lbs of raw seafood for some YouTube channel.

the janny works in mysterious ways

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Stop being a pussy. Tell your mom you will do the dishes and clean the house if she sets you up with her.