Who are the friends and enemies of your country?

who are the friends and enemies of your country?

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Every pure white scum brother

Do Italians really?

>same thread over and over

Looks like opinions on us are pretty split, what have even we done in Italy that could even lead Italians to have a strong opinion on us?

Army, Navy.

I hate chinks so much

Did italians already forget this is all china's fault?

>Did italians already forget this is all china's fault?


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Fuck you too

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>8 German deaths
>Only 3 Italian deaths
They should have been happy instead.

Where did the virus originate? China did nothing to prevent the spread they knew about it in november

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Enemies are Russia, China, Mexico, and Serbia.

>let the virus spread
>send faulty masks to other countries and be treated as heroes
Seriously NPCs are fucking dumb

how are Mexico and Serbia enemies of the US?

why is Russia enemy of the US? I can understand China because it will become the only superpower soon


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even though pic related is a a few years old, the Russian government tried to assassinate someone here in 2018 so they're likely still firmly top place


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imagine considering germany as friend

...You can't be this stupid. If you consider us your enemy because we don't want to hand you over "Corona"bonds but gobble down Chinese and Russian cock instead... I'm really heartbroken right now.

that survey was taken at the end of march, I think Germany is seen even more as enemy now, but France has improved

He's Albanian diaspora

a similar thing happened in Germany last year

Okay... If you really hate us that much, I better start hating you too.

you already do

Germans don't hate Italians

being hated by italy makes me feel more secure than being liked by them

yes you do

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>Not wanting to break EU rules and give you tons of money when there's an already proven system to help you = Hating Italy
We love you for many reasons and we wouldn't have taken in patients from Italy or agreed to the new ESM and additions compromise if we hated you. We just don't want Eurobonds and that's it.

>already proven system
yeah it worked perfectly with Greece

no we don't, in fact I would say the opposite is the case
just because Italy is shit at economics doesn't mean Germans hate it

>Italy is shit at economics
you are the cause

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The Euro wasn't our idea and it's not like you did a perfect job either. Your politicians want to distract from their failures and have found le evil destroyer of Europe, so they hype up everytime >we do something that isn't blowing money in your ass and ignore everything we do to help you otherwise, and they do the opposite with China and Russia. We love your country and your people, but we dislike your political landscape and the resulting instability. And now that you apparently have decided to hate us, some people here are deciding to turn away from you as well.

>The Euro wasn't our idea and it's not like you did a perfect job either. Your politicians want to distract from their failures and have found le evil destroyer of Europe, so they hype up everytime >we do something that isn't blowing money in your ass and ignore everything we do to help you otherwise, and they do the opposite with China and Russia. We love your country and your people, but we dislike your political landscape and the resulting instability. And now that you apparently have decided to hate us, some people here are deciding to turn away from you as well.

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America is like a qt that transferred to an all-girl catholic school. Everyone teases her to fit in with the group, but they secretly want to be her friend.

That's why they made a new compromise for you guys. Eurobonds wouldn't work from the start and they're even impossible to implement since they violate Article 125 of the Lisbon Treaty. And you know we are autistic about following rules.

did Germany force Italy to adopt the Euro? I don't think so
shouldn't have joined in a monetary union if you can't keep up

Du dreckiger kleiner Nudelneger hälst dich wohl für besonders schlau oder witzig.

>a new compromise
nobody trusts you. seriously

Trump has pissed of a lot of Europe. Normally, people see the assets of being friends with America but currently, few people want to be friends with you here.


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I love everyone but Germany and Turkey

Yeah, and everyone trusts you!? >We refused Eurobonds and gave in to new tools in order to make you feel validated. This is about making compromises, not about screaming and crying about what you want. Eurobonds were impossible from the start. You're extremely unreliable and that's not exclusively our fault.


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Not a great fan of Krauts myself, but holy mother of cognitive dissonance - the absolute state of shitaly are these medniggers literally retarded.
Go get colonized by coughing chinks even more if you love them so much, kek.

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wtf? i hate italians now

>You're extremely unreliable
no you are.

China is great, together we will rule the world

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>China is great, together we will rule the world
Sure, buddy. I mean you are really close culturally after all and I am sure China will only treat you with the utmost respect as their vassal state and unconditionally pay all your bills.

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You can never satisfy these savage southron proto-niggers. If they seriously consider us their enemies, they may rot in hell for all I care. Suck Chinese cock and choke on it once they turn you into their little bitch. You'll come crawling back to us, if you have more than two braincells capable of independent thought that doesn't rely on the words of your retard politicians that is.