Do people in your country think they were descended from royalty and warriors and not from illiterate farmers?

do people in your country think they were descended from royalty and warriors and not from illiterate farmers?

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are out in force today

Dilate, tranny. Your ancestors are looking down on you and they feel nothing but shame. Back to Discord with you.

Forget about your ancestors I'm sure your mum would be worried about what you're posting, concern yourself with that

If you had an IQ over 60 you would understand that anyone can trace their andestors to royalty if they go back far enough

your ancestors got raped and massacred by 3 of those 4 in the pic lmao

Yes lol. Literally every Pole thinks that despite 99% of the country not having a single drop of special blood.

>dude I'm totally not descended from a warrior hierarchy upper caste

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Everyone in Europe share their ancestors if you go back some 1-2 thousand years.

Its the other way around, every royal can trace his ancestry to some farmer

My ancestors were Suiss robber-knights who got expelled to what is now Czech territory. That much is certain through records. We also had a Von in our family name, a sign of aristocracy.

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No we have a caste system to sort that out

That's right. 1000000 years ago, the Homo Erectus leaders of a clan won a battle and all humans are descendants of that brave royalty.

Why should I care about my ancestors? they're dead lmao, its not as if they can see me.

We are all brothers and sisters :)

>My VIKANG ancestors went from village to village to rape, kill and steal
Why should I be proud about that?

brainlets seething at your post

Germans don't have Viking ancestry you leftoid idiot..

Latinopithecus please excuse yourself from this thread

*joins hands*

After Thirty Years War given how Swedes behaved you probably do lmao

I'm not German you fucking moron.

>germans don't have germanic ancestry

Thank god, we have enough dumb people as is. Enjoy your stay but leave soon please.

>My ancestors were Greek, Roman, Scandinavian and French at the same time
Woah... based!

I will stay :^)

what is the theme of this supposed to be? warriors? theyre all different ethnicities and religions

>>germans don't have germanic ancestry
Vikings was an umbrella term for mere raiders, some of them not even Germanic. The term popped up much later chronologically than Germanic.

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My ancestors were wealthy peasants and there's a village named after my ancestors :)

Who do you know that thinks they're descended from royalty?

No. Fuck off. Are you a T*rk ffs?When the economy collapses there will be no more gibs, only bad weather, so leave while you still can.

it's a simplistic historical porn for simps who grew up watching Marvel capeshit

Yes, European warrior cultures, Einstein.

Lol, I can actually trace back my direct patrilineal ancestry to a crusader knight Before that, it gets spotty, but my family origin can be tied to a welsh noble family that fled to brittany following persecution of christians in the 6th century.

Kind of an outlier even for a european. Usually people can hardly trace their ancestry past 2 centuries.

>warrior culture

yes and we did, we descended from maccabees

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Nope, I'll stay. What are you gonna do about it faggot?

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The point is the author is a complete loser whos desperately clawing at achievement by vagely associating with some nonwhite historical characters

Yeah fighting knights were a warrior aristocracy and part of a warrior culture. How much more dumb posts do you want to contribute I am constantly downward adjusting the estimation of your IQ.

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Anticipating the day when the rats will leave the sinking ship which will be soon.

picking mooks out of random cities, towns, and territories to go fight turks when they likely couldnt even point out the Ottoman empire or al andalus on a map is not warrior culture

do you see our jarheads being paraded around as liberators...oh

I'll stay

What do the first two drawings at the top look like racist versions of what they are supposed to represent

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