Gets mentioned in a thread

>gets mentioned in a thread
>americans sperg out and start seething
why do they cause so much butthurt?

Attached: 512px-Map_of_USA_South.svg.png (512x332, 65.11K)

>oof spillt my starbucks soy latte
Why is every yankee like this?

Do you have a single example of this seething? Raging at the south is a Reddit thing.

Wrong pic bro

Attached: california-county-map.gif (677x750, 27.97K)

We don't it's just interesting that Euros jerk off about them and then make fun of us for negatives that they excell at.

>Dixie fuck yeah!!!!
>Americans are fat, stupid, poor, violent dindus who share in mart

Polarized too much. California and NY secession will be nice.

Because we're epic

Stoneball Jackson

Americans have strong regional loyalty, so we emphasize other regions' flaws while downplaying our own. The South is the victim of this a lot because it's poorer, less urbanized, and has more blacks.
That said, I would much rather live here than ultra-capitalist social darwinism land.

Mostly for me because the majority of those states leech off the government the most.

>ultra-capitalist social darwinism land
California is not like that.

Amen, brother.

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>less urbanized
Sure it doesn't have a NYC or Chicago but it has plenty of cities. Atlanta has half a million people in the city proper. New Orleans has almost 400k. I think it's just more associated with rural culture. Northern New England is pretty rural but doesn't get the other negative associations.
t.New Englander who lives in NYC and spends too much time in the south.

Nobody believe Tea Party is the thing.
Then Trump.
Now you don't believe in another Civil War and secession of some states.
You will be surprised.

>fight war so they can keep Jamal and Tyrone on the farm to please their wives and daughters
>like their own race

Southerners are cucks and their feminine accent should be a warning to you guys about that they.

Friendly reminder that nothing short of reverse osmosis or chemical treatment can remove fluoride from water.
t. The guy who puts fluoride in your water

Think you might want to check interracial marriage rates m8

Southerners are statistically less educated, more violent, the most unhealthy, and the most likely to have teenage pregnancies. We are viewed as the most degenerated part of the the US. This is all compounded by the stereotype of the rowdy, stupid, ignorant, and bigoted hick that can be seen throughout American media. The Southerner is largely the great personified punchline of the United States. We are also the most conservative, meaning the most religious, the most likely to dislike/hate gays/trans, the most passionate about gun rights, the most likely to dislike/hate immigrants, but strangely enough not the most racist anymore. (the north and west have worse race relations than the south does now). Southern conservatism pisses off left-leaning Americans. All of this combines to form a very vitriolic reaction by Americans when the South receives any kind of praise for its history or culture.

California, or the west coast in general is what triggers most Americans. The US in general just thinks the south is retarded like a kid who got droppes on the soft spot of their head as an infant.

They're mad that because if we weren't part of the US, the rest of the country would fall apart as they wouldn't be able to do anything without our cash

We are 40% of the US population and 60% of the economy. Enjoy your ponzi schemes

No one gives a fuck about Commieland. Commieland alone, even using their own cooked statistics, is only 15% of the US population and 5% of the GDP.

That's not California pic tho

Most Americans on Yas Forums are mentally ill Latinos or liberal freaks, sometimes they're both.

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>We are 40% of the US population and 60% of the economy.
Like 95% of that is concentrated in Texas and Florida, and exclusively in large, Democratic cities like Miami, Houston, and San Antonio. Not in places where you'll find Cleetus and Billy.

If you're asking about yankees specifically, I think they're really bitter about paying $1,000+ a month in property tax, having zero firearm or property rights, and having to deal with negative temperatures.

"Southern hospitality" is a meme. It's not that we're especially courteous. We're normal. It's just that people from new england are arrogant hair-trigger-tempered assholes.

No one has been jealous of california since the early eighties.

>It’s another Russian flag espouses delusional predictions of US balkanization

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>They're mad that because if we weren't part of the US, the rest of the country would fall apart as they wouldn't be able to do anything without our cash
>We are 40% of the US population and 60% of the economy. Enjoy your ponzi schemes

Are you retarded? The South is no where near 60% of the US economy. Texas is the only truely major state economy in the south with Florida a distant second. The south is about only 30% of the US economy despite having 40% of the population and is largely a net drain because they south drains more federal resources than it generates. Keep in mind Texas is responsble for an outized amount of the souths ecooomy and even then most Texans consider themselves Texan before southern. Texas has it's own unique thing going on.

>nine out of ten poorest states were in the South.[95]

Attached: The South.jpg (1057x792, 131.09K)

Lol, yes it is. The commiefornia stuff is a meme, California is the most ruthlessly capitalist and elitist state in the US.

How's the south gonna rise again if they can't stand for more than 30 seconds off of their mobility scooters?

Attached: amerimutts roll out.jpg (450x367, 62.45K)

>California is the most ruthlessly capitalist and elitist state in the US

I'd say the Northeast is way fucking worse. That hyper capitalist douche thing is really only a thing in San Francisco proper and the Rich/Jewish/Gay parts of West Los Angeles. I have family that live literally just north of the golden gate bridge in the highest income county in California and most people there are just richfag friendly weird hippy types. I live in North Eastern Los Angeles county and people here act like we're weird friendly midwesterners except with more Chinese and Mexicans. Actually now that I
I'm thiking about it both of the regions have a lot of Asians and Hispanics but almost no blacks to speak of.

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this lol

most southerners are non white