Does your country have a state sponsored propaganda department?

Does your country have a state sponsored propaganda department?

Attached: 05117379-5259-4BA3-BB85-5D8FC797DAA9.jpg (1125x1445, 836.77K)

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there's publicly funded media here yes
costs 17,50€ a month per household which makes me seethe

>only six

>tariq tahir
maybe tariq needs to go back to whatever intolerant shithole he's from if modern western values make him seethe so much.

>yet they only have a girl and a boy there
Really gets the thinking parts going

Imagine having such an inept government that they need to pay incels to shitpost on every social media website

Unironically what are the 6 genders? I don’t get it

Yas Forums is worse than Yas Forums at this point

I don't know about BBC films but I like dr who and top gear

Yes, but nobody watches it. It only exist to make leftists seethe. Although Duna TV makes some good docus.

Top Gear was funny af


It's like I'm really on Breitbart

Sex, have it.

Sounds based, where do I sign up?

Somewhere in China, Iran or Russia

Umm did you just assume their gender?

>despite GPs only recognising six
Why, yes, I do drift further right when K see shit like this. How could you tell?

Attached: 8251361E-4662-4326-A50B-CD4262C989DC.jpg (1080x1331, 101.63K)

yes, Caillou was created with canadian tax dollars.

Caillou owns tho

My guess:
Trans Male
Trans Female
Non binary

Yes, Svt

Personally, I identify as Unown F. And you?

Attached: 3BFD3452-21DF-4EC8-BEF0-467CE867B153.jpg (1600x1950, 207.98K)

>Somewhere in China, Iran or Russia
Or America

Attached: 1581138814481.png (633x612, 547.36K)

dilation, perform it

Imagine being this insecure.

This. What the fuck, man? It really is a slippery slope.

Or Europe

this is okay because we're the good guys

Attached: Tiananmutt Square.jpg (1228x821, 219.43K)

Trans isn't a gender, is it? A mtf would identify as female and not as trans female, wouldn't they?

hopefully based muslims can save them


>Australian Male
my sides