
i.4cdn.org/wsg/1587498789108.webm edition

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/wsg/ best board on this place

all women should be arrested

How do you know what women want if you don't even know what you want.

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David Icke is a domestic terrorist


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Why don't women have personalities?
Why must they base their personalities based on whatever "thing" they do, be it going to the gym or whatever

It's becoming more and more less worksafe with that tik tok shit.

mad how much faith women put into those flimsy bra straps

i don't disagree, but i also don't agree...

one of the most reddit


is david icke that one that lives on the isle of wight

Wank to her on insta sometimes

a glimpse into a world of love and care that i will never know

>born too late to marry your childhood sweetheart and be together for 50 years
>born just in time to settle in your mid 30s with some random bint who wants a baby desperately when you've both previously had 50+ sexual partners and been "in love" with 10 different people

Gentlemen...to modern life!

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How bluepilled do you have to be to think most women are attracted to twinks Lmao
Sure, most women like a pretty boy but not some unmanly effeminate boy, unless they're an alternative girl maybe

david icke is pretty based

any good?

you still drinking

mad how obvious it is that you're looking at a birds tits
only learnt this recently but its so obvious even if you sneak a glance, especially in conversation
all those times in secondary school when we looked
they knew. they always knew
must have loved it though

need to make a reactionary and controversial post in hopes of getting my name in the credits of this new amazon documentary

doing a read

All women should be spanked on their bare bottoms.
/brit/ denies the truth

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i wonder if it's going to mention us

just 10? you lucky man. cheers to you

I instead have followed the Mike Nolan life.
Only care about smoko, a pint and my hi vis. FTC mate, FTC.


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>tfw no gf

if i wanted a link i would have went to a link board, not an image board

Rate Finnish accent (sorry for bad english)


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even worse if you have glasses on
your eyes appear bigger to people so it's even more noticeable

I haven’t had a girlfriend in 1171 days.
I jacked off to sissy porn a few days ago so to reverse the downward spiral i’m doing NoPorn until I get a gf

No lockdown in Sweden and their Corona numbers are far penger than the rest of the world's

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saw this a few weeks ago
lovely stuff
love finnish people love finnish accents

>getting your grandad a dakimakura of your gran

tfw no gf

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Show me your penis.

you know why right? answers obvious

this post was typed by someone with a 2 digit IQ

how would you exactly describe the feeling of having no gf?

I try but I'm being monitored

>one day later
>no one talking about oil anymore

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yeah but mate, its sweden

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bird at toil had tights on and her legs were drifting open and i was trying to get a good look in when she noticed me and crossed her legs. actually thats happened with two different girls.


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instant fucking tears when he started kissing the pillow. christ

finnish is such a silly language
love it

ask me do i care

I hate the fact people feel the need to record things like this and spread it on social media. FFS

lads when will restaurants and small pubs open again?

Been sniffing poppers a lot lately when wanking

why is this autist going on about oil?

semen filled
Soul crushing

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not correct. what website is that?

Thats pile of shite to you!!

No, why?

Opening me own pub in me flat

5 times the death rate of Norway

probably next year at worst

when i say so

Went surfing on Monday, it was so fucking nice. The sun was rising, the dolphins were out, the waves were big enough to get a good ride, but not so big it's an ordeal. Surfing is the perfect incel hobby, you don't need any friends.

Duolingo, what is wrong?

the sheeple forgot because they've have had their brains melted by 5g millimeter waves.


full of cum
and i think im bout to swallow my tongue

visited the isle of wight on one of my jaunts around the UK. was amazed at the lack of trees. why doesnt your country have trees britbong


isle of shite

Is it going to be full liquor

do the dolphins come up to you to say hello?

keys don't mean shag in italian. why you learning italian? you planning to come here?

Fake news

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Love the jews

unfathomably based

mums found out about the dancing pallbearers

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Been shitposting for 10 minutes and still haven’t gotten a single (you)

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Drinking beers and listening to beach house - last call

3 yrs ago i was attacked by energies that came out of my light sockets - felt like my eyes were being cooked in my head- Demon Hunters channel showed the tech today of how they can attack you through the light sockets in your house. When i got to the h0sp - mi lt and infectious disease dr was at hosp to meet me, i didn't know it at the time. I was in the h0sp with ALL THE SYMPTOMS OF K0RNONa My interview on Ramola D re ports - report # 4 5. My eyes have never been the same and the hospital refused to look at my eyes.


having a read

>next year
i was hoping for june fs


yeah and have been before la

5g millimetre wave lung vitrification mind control

Try stabbing yourself in the heart

do you lads clean the dust off the shit in your room?

in July but you have to wear a paper bag on your head and drink through a straw

Yeah, I dust every other week. Don't wanna be breathing that shit in lad

What's that gonna achieve?

usually drop mines in the toilet x

what's this emotion I'm feeling and how do I stop feeling it?

yeah they do sometimes actually. They can be a little intimidating. You'll be sitting there and this fucking great mammal will launch out of the water and do a flip right next to you. Or they all line up on a wave right in front of you and surf it, and you have to get the fuck out of there way. Sometimes they sneak up behind you and you see a dorsal fin out of the corner of your eye, makes your heart stop for a couple of seconds. Good lads though, all told.

nice. which part did you visit? what did you think? i suppose you did like it as youre learning the language. make sure to roll the R sound and you'll sound like a pro

getting (you)s is fucking easy yank

Still stand by the fact that women do not like masculine men that’s why you don’t see good looking women with manly men

duolingo is a bit shit

just ask bro, jeez


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>Ebola liquifies your internal organs!
>wtf how is that woman up and fine after surviving?

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A beautiful mess.

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Might hurt a bit though

dont wanna work

mistress t stepmum joi

bizarre hill to die on

elon musk just put a nano implant in my bollocks, connecting me to the global coomer grid


looks comfy
I would much rather do that than work at Jack in the Box

Stab yourself in the throat.

so ugly he look like a harlequin baby