Social distancing: the country

>social distancing: the country

When all this is over, Finns will be the only humans left on earth.

Attached: finnish autism 3.jpg (1024x576, 196.97K)

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Nigga you will still be in a cramped bus

>Nigga you will still be in a cramped bus

Finnish buses are all 140 meters long so all passengers get their own row.

The country is extremely sparsely populated, why wouldn't you take that much space when it's readily available

Are they afraid of each other?

>Are they afraid of each other?

The Finn fears nothing. Nothing! Except for other finns.

this is proof finns created covid-19

for the last time, its the respect for personal space. and its nice

Why do you respect space (basically a vacuum) more than people?

As if they were humans to begin with

I like Finns, a lot of them are cute and smooth.

everyone would do it if they had enough space. think of it like having a hola hoop around you. you only remove it if you have to (crowded bus), or if youre with someone you know. why do people shake hands? because that space being broken needs a ritual

I disagree. I refuse to worship the lifeless vacuum between two people.

its your loss hans

I don't deal in loss. I deal in gain.

actually, there is no difference between you as an individual and the space you possess. so if you say you dont respect the space around you it means that you dont respect yourself

Attached: aaf.png (680x709, 243.33K)

>there is no difference between you as an individual and the space you possess


they are difficult to understand

So what would happen if I slowly, very slowly start to inch forward toward the next person without them noticing until it is too late and we are rubbing shoulders in a non sexual kind of way?

Germans being ones to talk?
Maybe SLIGHTLY less.
The primary research on why coronameme got so big so fast in Italy vs in Germany concluded that it's cultural differences and social distancing caused by them.
Research papers showed German kids had close contact with people 1-3 times a day and Italian ones - several times more.

Then again, remembering this:
I stand corrected.
Scratch what I said, Sir. Hans.

Agree with our african flag.

>Germans being ones to talk?
Oh, I get it. We aren't being allowed to talk because we're German. Nice racism, asshole.
>Maybe SLIGHTLY less
I like how you capitalized "slightly" in order to introduce drama to your verbal freak show.
>primary research
>research papers
People on Putin's payroll aren't scientists, they're propaganda mouthpieces and I wonder how much YOU earn.
>Scratch what I said
I will do no such thing. No such thing will be done by me. In fact, I shall do the opposite of it.


you get punched. rightly so, i might add. its not like you rub shoulders at your local supermarket either, is it.

>you get punched

Oh, so he isn't allowed to touch you, but you're allowed to touch him?

Nice hypocrisy, asshole.

im not sure if this is serious. yes, if someone touches me im allowed to punch them if they wont go away

If you initiate touch - all bets are off:
