>Americans think this is a healthy diet
Americans think this is a healthy diet
What’s not healthy about that?
i know what this is, she will steal eat gallons of grease on top of this, she will just mix it with her regular diet of deep fried corn syrup.
this now becomes ''better eating'' because she heard apples are healthy, but apples are really a shit food and should be used only to fill you up, it has no nutrients
>sugar sugar sugar sugar
wow so healthy!
>a FEMALE posted food? take my upvote mlady
Why do they?
how can you eat the same thing for a week in a row?
>sugar and carbs aka different kind of sugar
What do you think is healthy about it?
i eat the same things everyday. it's called poverty giuseppe
eating just greasy food would be better than eating all that sugar
It's an attempt, but a misguided one. She's eating all sugar. Double check the ingredients on everything. >White bread
Usually has sugar as the second or third ingredient
>Jelly is literally fruit juice (nutritionally high sugar) that has been boiled down and thickened with sugar.
>Peanut butter
Can be hit or miss, but often uses sugar as a thickening agent.
Alright, but as with most fruits have a high sugar content (granted more tart apples like Braeburn or Fuji are better for this) and that person's meal is already high sugar.
>Peach cups
Sweet fruit drenched in syrup
>Nutrigrain bar
I haven't read the ingredients in some time, but IIRC they use either honey or a syrup to act as a binding agent for the granola. Not a BAD choice in and of itself, but again, this is already a hyper sweet meal.
it's called being lazy
imagine being this entitled. fuck off firstie
You forgot the cocksucking motherfucking plastic containers full of M&Ms
not my fault you're lazy and don't know how to cook m8
>serving size 1
>2600 calories
What's wrong with amerilards?
>>Americans think this is a healthy diet
wow, they must be really fucking dumb
You could eat literally nothing but twinkies and lose weight as long as you count your calories.
Sure, it's not healthy, but you can do it.
this looks like the thing that the lowest of the classes would eat here, basically the 80yo grannies barely managing to survive with their 100 euro pension
>Sugar 263g
Holy fuck, how can someone just eat that shit consistently and think nothing will happen eventually?
>What's wrong with amerilards?
pampered cuck
Fruit being good for you is mostly a meme. Only good thing about them is the vitamins. They're pretty much just sugar.
Yeah, and I also shit all over my formatting, but the point was still made anyway. By weight that meal is probably a good 25-35% sugar, 40% simple carbohydrates. The only real protein is gonna be from the peanut butter and whole grain in those breakfast bars. On the upside, the high fruit content is gonna give a decent number of minor nutrients.
I can cook and provide for myself so I'm thinking you're the angry cuck
Fruit is exceptionally fantastic for you... in moderation. As you said, great for vitamins, high in sugar and other simple carbohydrates.
Honestly, I maintain that cereal grains are the best for you. If you actually look up the nutrients on things like barley, steel cut oats, or other WHOLE grains (not overprocessed flour-based) they have the perfect balance of macronutrients for a typical 2000 Calorie diet. What they miss however, is the vitamins that you can supplement from things like fish, fruit, nuts, and vegetables.
Yeah you could but something like that is extremely calorie dense and you will feel hungry very fast.
bananas goes to butt not mouth
everything is easy when you're living life on easy mode, baby
Stupid idiot gay finn
Can you teach me to cook when there is no ingredients to cook with?
Because that's what the Argentinean poster is implying. Poverty doesn't mean you have a full pantry to select food from.
>meal prep for the week
Well, I guess it's technically not cooking, but still cringe.
because you can make lunch for the whole week and just grab it before heading out, it saves time
cry moar
that's a meme though, if you have money to buy that one ingredient you have money to diversify, a bag of beans and a bag of rice or flour or whatever the fuck don't cost much more than one another. poor people make delicious food in general.
I have no idea why anyone would meal prep.
you'd understand if you weren't a neet
Hey argentinian poorfag, what does your shitty diet consist of?
I cook my own meals every day. I'm not going to eat some week old leftovers. Fucking disgusting.
I'm type one diabetic, I usually inject myself with 28 units of fast action insulin over my 3 meals
I would need 52 units just for that