Do you think America is a white country?

Do you think America is a white country?

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tfw live in a black county

Are you black?

Also I'm guessing Asian and Pacific Islander are separate because if they were combined I'm pretty sure they would account for all of Hawaii

>Santa Clara county is mostly Asian
Gosh and golly gee, imagine my shock.

The downtown area of the city has more whites than blacks, but the outskirts of the city/suburbs that surrounds it is black.

what is a "white" person, I know what a German is, what a Pole is, what an Irishman is, what a Frenchman is, and what a Russian is, but what is "white" supposed to be?

"White" includes only those of Anglo-Saxon descent. Irish, Norman, Mediterranean, Nordic, Slavic, Baltic, and especially Middle Eastern people are all not white. Thus, the actual proportion of white people in the United States is significantly lower than official figures claim.

why are there so many spics in washington?

White or Caucasian: Origins in Europe, Middle East or North Africa.
Really White is just Europe, while the Middle Easterners are Caucasian but not white, but they are combined for the US census since we don't have very many Middle Easterners, other than a few Lebanese Christians

They're apple pickers

Based norCal dabbing on shitCal

Since when north africans and middle easterns became whites

> non-hispanic white
Opinion discarded, get fucked

didn't know Oregon was that white

Seething, Moor.

> tf
> tp

Not at all

Yes, all non-whites are coolies and shouldn't be here.

reverse of what is expected

how is orange and LA county both not majority hispanic when all its surrounding ones are

i meant orange and san diego*

I think in the north. Sometimes the south in the winter. It really depends on the weather, pal :) It's green right now :o

LA county definitely is and orange county almost is but there are quite a few rich areas where there's a lots of white and also some asians

No we are being genocided

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Unironically America has literally never been white

t. Benjamin Franklin

dude haha my country becoming 100% browner in 50 mere years of unmitigated immigration is just a conspiracy take your meds
>t. Jesus pasqual gomez

>nooooo I saw a pajeet and a zhang this country is doomed
>yкpaинa last bastion of white evropa

its white people's own doing, having low birth rates and electing people that enact these policies of mass immigration

Unironically take your meds

>muh genocide

Yas Forumsturds losing their mind

A concept invented by the Eternal An*lo and his Jew masters.

You know what a white person is you fag