The new face of Turkey....beautiful

The new face of Turkey....beautiful

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Syrians are whiter than turks.

True, Syrians are also whiter than the French.

yes turks are black like your kind

more bullshit from assadist soylords.

anasını siktiğimin m*slüman ar*pları

What do TÜRKS think of this? Are the angry with Erdogan?

we're right behind our sultan, as always.

>implies they will be a problem for us

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we used that card once

All muslim countries look the same to me

The Turkish language is very different from Arabic and uses another alphabet. I imagine it is not an easy adaptation.

this is beautiful , turkey is learning to be more multicultural

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Constantinople retake when

God bless them. Syrians are extremely based.

Free Kurdistan!

Can't wait to see Arab men mingle with the Turkish shemales in Istanbul.

Whiter than afriance

Looking forward to Turkish shitskins being replaced in their own cunt
The clocks ticking Mehmet...

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Its that time again.

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we'll need this to populate our newly acquired territories in syria

are these the refugees from 2020 that turkey tried o send o euope?

meh, the ottomans took in most of Circassia and they blended right in to the population

Can't wait for 2050: New Turks (Syrians) vs Kurds

t. khalid

Syrians and turks look the same, have the same culture and religion.

They will assimilate into turkish culture and race mix with turkish girls. And turkic DNA will become even more mutt than it already is.

Then somalian and sudanese immigrants must come to turkey in the 2020s and 2030s to improve the genetics and forge the new turkish people. They will look way different and evolve to a quadroon-semite-circassian-muhajir-turkic cocktale speaking a degraded ebonic dialect of turkish by 2100.

Attached: Turksonion.png (960x2118, 315.9K)

>Syrians and turks look the same, have the same culture and religion.
>They will assimilate into turkish culture and race mix with turkish girls. And turkic DNA will become even more mutt than it already is.
except it won't, because we will conquer northern syria and settle these people there. Not to mention most of the refugees are in the south east where kurds form majority

Kurd birth rates are also through the roof while Turks are reproducing below replacement levels. Are Turks headed the same way as Western Euros?

It was easier to assimilate people back then than now

You do look the same and follow the same religion. Just like how Danes and Swedes look the same and follow the same religion

what's new

>You do look the same
except for a few turkmens in syria no we don't. This is reflected in genetic maps as well
>follow the same religion.
Most turks are hanafi moderate muslims majority of the population (like 85%) doesn't even pray 5 times a day (which is the most fundamental rule in islam). Most just pray from friday to friday. They are "Cultural" muslims at best. Not to mention 25% of the population is alevi. Turkish alevis don't go to mosques, don't pray and don't fast at times sunnis do. Most muslims don't even consider alevis to be muslims at all.
Syria on the other hand has your regular sunni muslims as well as their own branch of shia islam called Alawites. maybe like 10% of Turkey at best practices the kind of islam syrians do. Which is why one of the first things syrians complain about Turks is how they are munafiqs.
sociopolitical climates of Syria and Turkey are nowhere near similar