Mfw Ecuador uses the U.S. dollar as its currency

>mfw Ecuador uses the U.S. dollar as its currency

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imagine naming your cunt after a fucking line

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I don't get it.

what would happen if a country was protectionist and printed perfect counterfeit dollars

Pros about using some other cunt's currency:
your stupid politicians can't inflate your savings

Cons about using some other cunt's currency:
the other cunt's stupid politicians can inflate your savings

Ecuador is named after the Equator


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retarded american

of course


>american education

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>be in bahamas
>wait in line for 20 minutes in burger king
>they take my us dollars but give me back bahamian



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Its name is Ecuador, not equator.

Nice bait


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assuming you're english, you guys were named after a fucking angle
not much better

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Why are you going to fucking Burger King in the Bahamas? (or anywhere) I wish I was there to slap your tray into your stupid face.

weaker than my stroke game

God bless you. Make sure to join up with the Democratic partisans so we know whose side you're on when we come to liberate.

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>german education

Imagine your countries wikipedia page not having an etymology section.

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i don't even know what etymology means

why not?

of course you don't

After a man's name you mean: Ecuatorio Desuncio

drop the proxy, americans don't deserve that some foreigner is embarrasing them like this

God I love how easy it is to troll Yas Forums. This place is dumber than facebook and Yas Forums

>jokes on you i was pretending to be retarded

>Still falling for the bait
>Still responding.

How's life in Ecuador? Are the pan flute bands real or just a meme?

low effort trolling, try harder pls

It wasn't me that made the post. But you are a retard for responding.