Why are we so fucking superior bros

Why are we so fucking superior bros

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Because only soulless people can succeed in a soulless world.


Les germaniques et les anglophones sont extrêmement grincheux

Superior in women only


Based Germanic man

Cringe Quebec fag

i'm sure the french big wig will let you suck his cock if you ask for it chaps no need to make these posts

germanic genes, my brother

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Meine Brüder

Breva bilder på den gyllene :D

Don't be sour mate

>Meine Brüder
_Mina Bröder

How can French tell the difference between an Arab and a Frenchman in their country?

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The only difference we need to make is between capital owners and those who get to keep their heads.

>Romania and finland gets the Germanic language stamp
>Scotland doesn't

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scots are a race of bores that nobody cares about
you dont even have the meme status we have, get over it and move on you autist

bit of a cope

You're welcome to join in, Germanic brothers :)

Not anymore you imported too many shitskins

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because we protected europe from eastern hordes while you retards were waging wars between yourselves
oh yeah and slavery
but you are getting what you deserve now
bye bye forever white mang

serbs never did shit for anybody.

you are destroyers of europe
eternal kraut
you should've been exterminated from history

America should be included too we are Germanic


Why do germanic fags larp as chads and macho online? We all know you're faggots irl stop this act.


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Isn't Belgium a Romance country?

They want to have their cake and eat it too. They want be high inhib, metrosexual, feminist homos whilst larping and still being seen as viking barbarians but at the same time calling the countries and or people who better reflect those barbarians than present day them, shitholes, and inferiors.

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Flanders and Eupen-Malmedy count as Germanic


we are not "Germanic"
>spends 2000 years fighting over cows
highland gaels completely degenerated from their lowland gaels.

>Why do germanic fags larp as chads and macho online?
This. It's so fucking funny to me. Like, they're the most feminine faggot race in the world

if anything I've been larping as an incel on here
If I told you I literally cucked a hispanic american with his wife around new years would you believe that? :^)
my buddy had a gf from copacabana who visited him on my island once in a while

It appears Germans have not learnt their lessons and need to be reminded again of the flaws in their hitler-esque sciences

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I sense a lot of buttmad in here

>live in stinky industrial cities
>lost their fighting spirit 700 years ago
>little identity, basically brits
>live life on hard mode in one of the most beautiful landscapes in the world.
>adventurous and risk-taking, set out to earn fortune in the new world.
>proud of their heritage, worldwide clan networks

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who the fuck are you to talk about fighting spirit if you're a scot

your cucked people literally voted "No" on whether or not they want to be their own country ruled by their own people
