Germans are the most bullied group on Yas Forums

Germans are the most bullied group on Yas Forums.

It hurt so much.

Attached: tfw being kraut.jpg (394x526, 32.21K)

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Yes and Swabians are the most hated Germans

I think. Although that doesn't necessarily mean they're the most bullied

You mean German-Americans are the most bullied group.

Swabians aren't people.

we get bullied a lot too.

It's actually us bavaryans
Are you a cute twink btw? Let me fuck your asshole

no brits are the most persecuted flag on Yas Forums

not this shit again

like pottery

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success breeds jealousy

Attached: 1557988439532.png (1000x1000, 304.84K)

There are more homosexuals on the Anglo side.

You are alright germony, come spend money here when corona ends :)

Kys bavaryan faggot

>Are you a cute twink btw? Let me fuck your asshole

Nope chicanos are the most hated

Why do you expect other people to respect you if you hate your own nationality, you cuck? Look at the state of the embarassment that are /deutsch/ threads.

why? every time i brought up munich when i was in berlin the ppl would roll their eyes and explain that i shouldn't go there, that the people are arrogant and they can't speak proper german.
almost every german on the internet hates berlin
so what is the problem with swabia?

Based Anglos, the Germans are going to have to step up their game

I hooked up with a cute Istrian last year in August :^)

Attached: croatia.jpg (903x600, 266.06K)

nah its definitely japs you dumb cabbage nigger

What do you think about Danube Swabians?

it's actually B*rliner

Swabians are affluent and poor little easterners get mad when they come and gentrify Berlin
What are Croatian boys like?

Munich isn't in Sw*bia.

>so what is the problem with swabia?
clichee: stingy
They have a stick in their ass. There was a Swabian bitch in my rehab and I hated that whore, she went out of her way to test me for alcohol whenever it was her shift.

are you in Munich?

>What are Croatian boys like?

Literally full of cuties. They are pretty tall. They can be swarthy, at first I thought the istrian I hooked up with was an Italian tourist lmao

Franz Purczeld war ein sehr guter Fußballer

>they hate people from the capital
This is a thing in every single country btw


Attached: Munich sunset.jpg (1024x715, 373.22K)

>why? every time i brought up munich when i was in berlin the ppl would roll their eyes and explain that i shouldn't go there, that the people are arrogant and they can't speak proper german.
What they said about Munich is true, but Munich is the capital of Bavaria and full of Saupreißen you hopeless idiot..

Do Germans really speak like that?

Good thing thing im slav Master race

This bullying of Germany is like not cool and needs to stop.

is that their local cuisine?

wew, what a small world we live in.

That's Swiss German, it's hard to understand for most Germans and we constantly make fun of it. German has 10,000 variations that are very different from each other.

Regular Germans don't speak like people from Switzerland, no.

Get fucked Berliner, Swabia is soul.

You say gibs, I say Bundesland Ungarn

We do?
You piece of shit.

Saupreißen = Sau (~pig) and Preußen (Prussia). Bavarians dislike anything north of Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg because they connect it with Prussia. Historical and cultural reasons.

17th Bundesland: Österreich and South Tyrol
18th Bundesland: Ungarn
19th Bundesland: Elsass-Lothringen
20th Bundesland: Mallorca

No we don't dislike Baden-Württenberg.