Do """people""" own shitbulls in your country?

Do """people""" own shitbulls in your country?

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Dogs are man’s best friend, fuck off subhuman chink

im chink i have a pet pom fuck u

Dogs are man’s best friend, fuck off subhuman chink

He didn't say all dogs you EAL/D fuckwit.

Why do whites fear pitbulls so much?

Learn to read, you retarded faggots. I only hate shitbulls

wouldnt you be scared of this

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my sister has one shes a nice dog, great around the baby. kinda a nigger dog though

>great around the baby

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its a female, might be a different story if it was male

only guys with small penises that need dogs and cars to attrack women and make themselves feel worth something

thankfully my province banned them

was god damn delicious.

Only white trash and minorities here own pitbulls. Normal people with a normal IQ realize they should all be put down.

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pitbulls are not dogs

Damn shitbull tried to attack me while I was out for a run. I had earphones in and it startled the hell out of me when it tackled my leg. Good thing it didn't knock me over at 135 lbs it could have done some serious damage.
plenty of white people have them

having light skin does not make you white

Yes and its fucking disgusting. One of these fuckers bit very deep into my right hand when I was 3 and went up to pet it.

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well ok but your kind aren't above reproach

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>Dogs are man’s best friend

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What are you doing on reddit?

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spying and screenshotting

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>murked a wh*te bitch
>likely pissed on the devil colonizer culture sweater
>got shotteds (PLURAL)
>got arrested

Give this little nigga a nickname buffeting a gangsta.

I don't visit reddit , i got them from a pitbull hate thread on Yas Forums

and now you know from where they came from

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I am a chink and i will eat your dog bitch

t.riggered pit mommy/ drug dealing bydlo subhuman

Why does it matter? Looks like there some people on reddit who aren't complete faggots , so what?


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they are shills who post same shit everywhere and they are jews

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Are you a shitbull apologist?

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Why are Slavs so retarded?

these are ''pitbulls'' at least some of them,I will make more soon

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