Fight against white supremacists and racists all day on the internet on YouTube, Yas Forums, reddit and Facebook

>fight against white supremacists and racists all day on the internet on YouTube, Yas Forums, reddit and Facebook
>report racist comments to mods
>but then look at population growth rates in Africa and India

so.. after btfoing racists how are we gonna handle this boys? we don't even have enough resources even with current population numbers

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India’s the only one that’s actually screwed. Too many m*n.

Sex ratios are stabilizing across India, which is worse because that means more population growth. Only higher caste Indians abort female foetuses, Lower castes and Muslims don't.

I just wish you weren't all coming to our countries as well. Soon the whole world will be on the same level as Sub Saharan Africa and India. Hopefully I'll be dead by then though.

>I just wish you weren't all coming to our countries as well
so did native americans 400 years ago, still didn't stop euros to also send africans either

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j*nnies won't like this

do not be racist

You realize that the euros in europa are exactly those who didn't leave and colonize other continents right?

Euros is europe profited from colonization & forcing diversity in the americas

>Euros is europe profited from colonization & forcing diversity in the americas
Your continent was colonized by Anglos, don't blame that upon the rest of us.

oh fuck off... up until my great grandparents generation my ancestors were all poor fucking peasants. Then they became poor fucking working class slaves. Do you really think every european became rich through exploitation of native americans?

Whats your opinion on meds & anglos, do you consider them your white brothers?

your birth rate is gonna lower as you get rich

You are right.

You don't actually have to take all of them, retarded svenne

Why are people always under the impression that the lower class in Europe wasn't being massively exploited by the upper class to fuel these empires. It's not like the old kingdoms were magical democratic lands of gold, milk and honey where all citizens were shareholders in transatlantic trade companies.

>retarded svenne
wtf have you been here or something?

Guilt by association

Would you take all the latinos who are predominantly euro back into europe?

Damn right, and we would gladly do it again

the Nazis came from the working classes so the jew has made his mission to brow-beat every part of white society with guilt, wealthy or poor

>wtf have you been here or something?
What does that have to do with anything?

Ah yes the freaks are here


Remember when Robert Clive ruthlessly and against overwhelming odds managed to establish a foothold for the British and a personal Empire through nothing but sheer grit and force of personality?

You gotta do what Euros did: send your extra people out to establish footholds and fight in wars. If you have deep enough soul and willpower you will conquer the hearts of men, and by extension, the world.

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I don't care about being replaced I care about living a good and peaceful life

Indians would always rape stupid white women who travel to their county.

>chingchong mad


Natives were glad when we killed your people because you use to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of them every year (after forcing them to live as slaves).

colonization is not bad in itself the problem is th creation of heterogenous societies

It's always Americans with their poor education and general lack of analytical skills making the dumbest claims. Shut the fuck fatso.

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Who could Indians conquer? Which neighbours of theirs are shorter and weaker than them?

I'd like to see them fight Pakistan.

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You knew about the word Svenne which means ethnic Swede

Sven on the other hand is just a name

Daily reminder that Costa Rica is WHITE.

Why are there so many Indian threads today? Seen like 5 where Indians are dirty rapists.

Britian was far weaker than India at the time of Robert Clive. He just happened to be there during a civil war and have bigger balls than anybody else. It could happen here, and in all likely-hood will, the moment civil society starts falling apart.

Jag bodde aldrig i Sverige men det krävs inte för att kunna språket
>Defeated soldiers were not killed on the battlefield, but captured and returned to Tenochtitlan for sacrifice. The Aztec rulers were convinced that the end of the world was nigh and butchered thousands to appease the gods. This was a culture obsessed with death: they believed that human sacrifice was the highest form of karmic healing. When the Great Pyramid of Tenochtitlan was consecrated in 1487 the Aztecs recorded that 84,000 people were slaughtered in four days.

The reason it was so easily to destroy the Mayan civilization is because literally all of their neighbors hated them more than anything.

"We dont have the resources" is literally an eco fascist dogwhistle
Also population projections are notoriously bad, let alone ones predictiong 80 years into the future


That's a cope. All West European nations are wealthy, and colonization in the past had no effect. Portugal had way more colonies than Sweden, Denmark, or Norway. Guess who's richer now? Not Portugal, because they have an average IQ of 95, compared to 100. Wealth in the post industrial world is mainly a function of human capital, which is mainly a function of average population IQ, which is ~80% heritable.

>Canadian flag
Lmao, Zhang.

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this guy is in every thread seething about us
