Do girls in your country do this to guys who look Indian even if they aren’t too?
Do girls in your country do this to guys who look Indian even if they aren’t too?
Well if somebody would mistake me for an Indian, I would feel insulted too
What kind of stupid question is this?
damn, the memes really fucked us up huh?
tone it down guys, we can't cope with all this hate :(
Know this: if someone targeted any women like this there would be mass social upheaval
I wonder what would happen to these guys.
I look a million times better than that guy and have been mistaken for Indian, even though I don’t look Indian at all. A lot of girls are just dumb desu and and thing anything that’s brown or tanned is Indian. Either way, it hasn’t really hindered any success for me, they mostly just seem curious about my background, and are ignorant. But I could have every hot girl in the world throwing themselves at me, and them asking me if I’m Indian still does terrible things to my self esteem.
I look like the one in the middle desu. But better.
It's not the memes, it's your small dick and ugly face.
based Japan bro.
Nah, Japs are Chads with light skin, great jawlines, and have a masculine culture of samurais.
Me slowly realizing i look more like an Arab than a MED bull
>Stop going after white girls then you creeps
Pajeets and gooks need to be top 1% with money to even get a white girl to look their way
It’s really only white guys and light skins have easy access to white chicks.
dark skin niggers are in the same boat as you guys
so he's a gypsy?
Sorry pajeet. Just accept that aesthetically you are below blacks and can only dream of being at the level of whites/Asians.
Even if that’s true, you’d do really well in America. Women here like brown men that aren’t pajeets, and they’ll automatically like you just for being European.
Asians should stop with this cringe "whites/Asians". You're down with us browns here, Zhang Naruhito.
I’m white and every white person sees Asians on par with themselves, if not above or just beneath. It goes:
Whites/Asians>>brown (Latinos)>>>blacks>>>>>>Indians and Arabs
Tawaddros? Is that like Maltese?
u are white
Meh i can't complain i see enough action already , but the thought that someone will see me in the street and think that i want my gf to wear burka or send bob and vagene messages is a bit unnerving
Cringe poo shitter
Accept the fact that our race has the least desirable men
Most indian guys are unmanly, have ugly facial hair, don't know grooming, awful hygiene, awful personality (misogynistic chauvinistic in countries where feminity is considered equal to masculinity), unfit, and speak in that annoying accent
I have observed even the ones that go to western countries live like subhuman shitholers
I’m not white.
Same here man, it’s never actually been much of a problem for me, but I do have paranoia about it.
Look who's talking!
>I’m white and every white person sees Asians on par with themselves
Can I have some of what you’re smoking Chang
You guys have some things going for you.
1.Naturally lean, I've legit never met a fat Indian.
2. Decent height
3.Sharp features. I've noticed Indians tend to have good jawlines.
Your only problem is shitty hygiene and the fact that you guys completely autistic and socially awkward. Start grooming yourself well and stop being creepy and you'll have more success with women. Mexicans are shorter, fatter, and poorer than Indians here, yet they don't struggle at all due to them being extroverted and sociable. There's no excuse for you guys to not at least be on their level.
This is the reality pajeet. Many of us see also see Asians just below us, some even superior to us. But definitely in our ballpark in terms of superiority.
Is this actually something that makes the news in Australia?