Proof that you are not upper middle class or rich or better off than most of your fellow countrymen. (you can use streetview)
It is time to end this debate.
Proof that you are not upper middle class or rich or better off than most of your fellow countrymen...
The awnser is becoming clearer and clearer.
why is this netherworld poster so butthurt about latin-america? who did so much harm to him?
I'm third world as fuck.
Proof that you are worse off than very poor Western Europeans, because according to Latin Americans they live life on easy mode. Come on then...
fuck off I live in a pyramid
If that is third world than you definetly don't live worse than poor first world Europeans.
cant afford a camera, sorry
Based geometric peruvian.
how so?
nigga thats a pringles can,100% first world
I guess it's the same user who starts these threads about ugly places in the UK
I don't have a maid. I have to make my own meals. I live close to a vecindad (micro favela) on the same street where poor people blast their reaggeton on weekends.
Another building on my street was turned into a nest of fitlthy taqueros and deliverers that infest our homes with their modified food trucks full of roaches. You can't walk 10 meters without finding dog shits.
I just want to live in a first world
This is Uruguay
Nothing about it looks third world.
I'm literally at a cyber cafe evading the lockdown, can't get poorer than that
As you wish sir
bro I don't even have a computer desk. The monitor and the Switch are standing on a couple of plastic stools
Do you live like that? No? Then what is the point of posting that image?
I live in one of the shittiest regions of São Paulo, if the THE shittiest.
I mean, I thought having a monitor or a switch is a pretty big deal over there in some parts of your country? qt dog though.
I literally live two streets from a "cante" (the poorest area in the country) so it's not that I live very differently
they are all spoiled upperclass neets thats why they hate on chicanos so much
this is the view from the favela my family lives in in Chihuahua, despite living there they have fast internet video games and running water. The mexican who posted his pc probably lives in something like this.
That looks good...
You live life on an easier mode than poor first world Europeans
You can afford a Switch, so you are not third world... I have a broken laptop from 2014 and I cannot afford to buy a new one.
>xtrail in the background
that's middle class my nibba, not SOUL
Kek, we don't even have that in this country
If you have 8000 pesos for a shitty, outdatet tablet like the Swich you can afford a laptop or a low end PC
just ate a soup of chicken giblets, if that's not SOUL then I don't know what is
cute doggo
I don’t know what I’m going to eat tomorrow :(
my mom and dad are both retired and have a pension amounting to 40 thousand pesos a month, that like 2k dollars and im a hikkineet with no prospects other than low skill jobs. we are poor as shit