Why do Americans look like this?

Why do Americans look like this?

Attached: CVE0WKmWEAAO6g6.jpg (768x1024, 114.81K)

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>Pretending you wouldn't
It's all so tiresome.

Why do Yas Forumstards love her?

She cute tho

you may destroy the united states if you ask politely, my brother

I like the United States, I just think a lot of you resemble aliens.

Lovable mutt :3

she lives in Jew York City

the average Midwesterner looks whiter than a Scandinavian

La Creatura

Because they are born like that

I would happily sodomize her

Attached: wqe124312.jpg (1366x1366, 209.26K)


>she lives in Jew York City
cringe, but i am from missouri and can confirm the midwestern statement
95% of everyone i see on tinder alone is fucking blonde, pale, and cute


cute, she reminds me of the mother in My Wife and Kids

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

I think she's pretty cute, also has bigass titties. She's kinda retarded though.

this user gets it

People with actual fetal alcohol syndrome can barely talk

More like photoshop

no they look like this

Attached: 1579454982436.jpg (1024x683, 103.46K)

We have ascended racial differences, this is the proud result!

Attached: Ubermensch.jpg (385x500, 85.57K)

No. It's from her 2015 Twitter post.

Yas Forumstard vision

Attached: 20200421_140925.jpg (653x653, 196.71K)


Heaps of racemixing in major cities, at least on the East Coast.
She has big tits, that's why anyone loves her.

centuries of racemixing

I talked with brittler once in discord and i instantly fell in love with her. Call me a simp i dare you

Attached: 1587213711781.jpg (816x894, 86.67K)

>She's kinda retarded though.
not really, she's efficiently pretending to be retarded in order to get attention and it have worked well for her in past

What did you mean by this?

how much money have you donated


fuck off retarded leafs

I unironically haven't watched more than 10 hours of her stream. I used to watch some of her youtube content tho

Nice television series starring Damon Wayans, nostalgia

I don't think you're a simp unless you give a bunch of money to some e-thot. Either way, read up about her breakup with her ex. Apparently Venti is a slob and lives in her own garbage.

>I unironically haven't watched more than 10 hours of her stream
The fuck? Why would you want to even watch half an hour? I read this the same way I would read somebody read
"I unironically haven't killed more than 10 people"

you gotta take that with a grain of salt though because breakups are usually followed by a lot of insults and she said the exact same shit about the guy

Idk mang, i was around when that thing happened and her ex boyfriend was an insane psycho. There's an audio recording of him going batshit insane because of his body dysmorphia.

I expect brittany to have your typical daddy's princess tier messy room

Trying way too hard buddy