Is this the only country with soul in North America?
Is this the only country with soul in North America?
if soul means third world then yes
No otherwise they wouldn't all want to come here
If Mexico has soul then so does America because there's literally no difference culturally or ethnically between them.
I can already tell this thread will be Gomez, Juan and Garcia arguing over whether their country of origin or residence has more soul
No, that's El Salvador.
Montreal is cool. I'd say Quebec has some soul. But yes, Mexico has an extremely strong culture on many fronts.
Why aren't you in Mexico then?
we come here for money not for the culture
So culture is irrelevant because it can't provide you money and food.
if you have the robot mentality yeah
also t brazil
I'm practicing Mexican Manifest Destiny, spreading my culture to the American Southwest.
both are important
>country with soul
what does that even mean
>rich = culture
And Americans wonder why everybody else in the world makes fun of them for their cultureless, plastic lives
Well, if you love Mexico so much you can go there and give me your American citizenship and everyone is happy.
Your country is literally biggest failed experiment in human history. The quintessential shithole.
Mexico is better economically today than it was in the 70s and 80s when millions of Mexicans poured into the US. The birthrate has fallen. NAFTA/USMCA has turned northern Mexico into a strong industrial powerhouse. Honestly, some of my extended family in Mexico live pretty good lives.
t. South Brazilian German
No, you don't belong here. Stay in your favela.
Only rich leftists care about culture. No one wants to be poor or have bad quality of life.
Stupid BR monkey, you do realize you live in a poor AND cultureless shithole, right? Not comparable to Mexico at all
Neither you. Back to your spic shithole.
You have no idea of how I'm jealous of Mexico.
Only leftists care about culture? That's ridiculous. Conservatism is about PRESERVING culture you stupid favela chango.
ah yes, culture
neither lefties nor righties care about culture
Just go to Mexico, oh wait...
theres at least one more
This board is infested woth communists & neoliberals who hate countries with culture
depends how strict about 'country'
Chicanos and Northern Mexicans really think someone is jelly of them. Delusional as fuck.
lets make our own general stop arguing with the monkey
Go back to Europe, anglo.
I do want to go there, you can probably travel VISA free to mexico then pay someone to cross you
hes not an anglo, this country is culturally amerinegro
So what are you waiting? OUT, OUT!
And don't come back.
t. favela monkey who thinks he speaks for everyone
I'm saving money, and I'll come back whenever I want
Please, change your words. If Mexico is a paradise what are you doing in America?
t. commies & neoliberals who hate culture
I was born here, and even if I had moved here for economic reasons that doesn't mean culture doesn't matter you ghetto retard
Having soul is a heavy burden desu
If the country is a poor shithole that nothing works, you can't learn nothing good from it's culture. It's a garbage that should be eliminated. Simple as that.
who cares what other people think or "learn" about our culture?
rootless neoliberal pardo
I don't know about Brazil, but Mexico is a middle-income country. I would honestly consider living in Mexico if they can fix their problem with organized crime. My parent's small town of 5,000 people has more stuff to do and more culture than my city here in the US with 180,000 people. That's pathetic.
So don't complain why Asia is growing meanwhile brown and black countries will still shitholes forever. Asians recognize their culture is shit and inferior and they want to learn superior cultures.
Places like Japan and South Korea are extremely proud of their cultures. You can be a rich capitalist country and still have a strong culture.