Why balkanoids so butthurt about each other?

Even Japs and Gooks are less autistic.

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too much soul for own good

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>Even Japs and Gooks are less autistic.
You've never browsed Yas Forums during non-European hours huh?

only boomers and autists and we have a lot of them

I literally do not give a shit about any of those countries including Moldova.

You should know gypsies hate each other

The only thing you need to know that Bulgaria borders nothing but Bulgarian lands.


Imagine Africa but inhabitated by light - skinned people and civilized in the future by Austrians and us
That's what Balkans are

why do dumbass foreigners keep making daily threads about Balkanites hating each other despite the daily evidence to the contrary. There is no more banter or hate between Balkan posters than between any other groups

>civilized in the future by Austrians and us
You didn't civilize shit, polack. You got civilized by us and Russians.

>poles civilized balkans
thanks for the laugh, if anything slavoid blood made us uncivilized

Shut the fuck up kraut
We civilized Romanians in XVII century. They were even part of our country. Oh and Bulgarians also wished to suck our dicks during that period

Slavic inlfuence



Pretty much only Serbs are massively asspained. The rest are more or less fine.

because the serbs lost 50% of their population to liberate western balkans, we lost so much blood to liberate these countries
and what do we get in return??????
who fought the austrians? who fought the germans?
and what do we get in return for all the dead serbs??????????

Like pottery.

Give Nis back you swine

>poland civilizing ANYONE

>Even Japs and Gooks are less autistic
I doubt that

Africa is already more civilised than pooland

>*a challenger appears*

These days, at least here we hate subhumans together, such as americans and other shitskins. We have banter but not much hate. Having a common enemy makes us more friendly.

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>liberate these countries
I can't believe that Serb still think that they liberated anyone. First off, you were an irrelevant player in WWI. Second, we voluntarily chose the Habsburgs as rulers and being in Austria-Hungary is way way better than being in your Shitslavia. You didn't "liberate" Western Balkans from "the enemy", you chased civilisation away from the Western Balkans and then occupied it.

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whats the best balkan state? where should i go visit next summer? i wanna chill with some borat lookin folk

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just wanted to brap in this thread
ok cya

For summer Croatia obviously

i would kill ever single non-bulgarian in this thread 1v1, 1v2 and even 1v3

>Completely irrelevant player in WW1
Still did more than you stjepan

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>politician saying big words so the subhumans can stay with them
It’s like Reagan when he praised the mujahideen.

the initial austrian armies lost, hard