is he right?
Is he right?
How very pro-life of him
yes, destroying the mutt menace is a more important thing than keeping the mutt menace alive
actually now that i think about it, what the mutts are doing right now.... it's actually a heroic act of self reflection and self sacrifice
for once i'm not disappointed in them
it's surreal and sometimes i wonder about how strange things can still get
>I am willing to gamble with your lives so i can keep making money, it is a sacrifice i am willing to make.
>tells people to die
>There are more important things than living
Unless you are a handful of cells
If people really cared about living they wouldn't go to war
>there are more important things than living
Indeed. For example, committing suicide.
I can literally detect your micro penises from my screen alone
No he's a fucking retard. Some people have families and don't want them to die.
He's right about abortion. Fuck him for wanting to put lives at risk though.
His logic sucks ass. Without life there isn't anything so it must be that living>anything else.
Dutch PM is on TV right now (hardcore pro business neo liberal) and even they decided to extend the quarantine for at least another month
ours is going to end in beginning of may (progressive opening)
you did bad in ignoring it in the beginning
Spain has more death people every week than we had so far total. I don't see where you get your information from but we dodged a bullet
He's right about reopening the country, not about the rest.
I'm not spanish, what the fuck are you talking about?
Spain and Italy are examples of countries that fucked it all up. We did not, though we got close. Once again I'm curious where you get your information from
What information are you talking about? I just mentioned that you took too much time taking action, and your situation is not as safe as it could've been. It's not an obscure information, it's mainstream news. Comparing your case with literally the two worse scenarios is being very generous on the netherlands.
Why are you comparing yourself to the absolute worst countries? You did fuck up, not as bad though.
Mainstream information from where?
Our first infection was brought here by Italians on February 28. Quarantine measures were put in place less than 1 month later. You can't give me a lot of western European countries that responded quicker other than for example Austria which was 2nd Italy when it comes to the spread of the virus
"Live free or die - death is not the worst of evils." - Major General John Stark
I believe this is a quote from Harry Potter
we started emergency state and official quarantine the 11th of march but people were already at home a week before
Always having cocks in your mind, eh?
Why you fucktards are so hard against abortion? Is not like whites do more abortions than brwon people in your countries.
A fetus isn't even a human yet.
Literally muh feefees and politics. Saying 'no' to abortions gives you lots of voters who care little what else you do with their mandate.
Quarantine has been the best time of my life, bros.
I'm not ready to go back.
Being against abortion is part of the white conservative stater pack so you're either with them or against them.