
Which country won the game of nations and why is it the States??

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>and why is it the States??
literally the only nation to "win" world war 2.
>britian lost colonies and ultimately began their decline from an empire
>west euro nations invaded by germany got fucked
>USSR lost millions upon millions of people and would cease to exist by the end of the century
>Japan nuked
>china raped to shit
>USA gained the world biggest military and was barely scratched on home soil
ww2 was objectively the best thing to ever happen to this nation

It makes sense actually. Your isolation from the rest proved to be extremely beneficial.


That would actually be World War I.

America should withdraw all forces stationed across the world, bring them home, take over canada, then create fortress america and completely isolate from the rest of the world except for trading shit we can't get in north america

Thank You USA for save world and human kind in second world war!

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no problem bro. just living my best life across the sea.

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>That would actually be World War I.
post WW1 is what brought the USA out of isolation from the rest of the world
after WW1 we started to become very culturally relevant with film tv and music etc. in the 20s
but post ww2 is where the UK and Germany's superpower status perished and the USA, because they hardly got scratched and developed the worlds most powerful military, became the sole super power of the west.

I will reallocate in USA asap.

t-there are already a billion russians in my state though.

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I would do too but I prolly wouldn't be accepted. I'll relocate to Russia though.

Thank you USA for acknowledging that Santos Dumont was the creator of the Airplane.
I mean, you guys don't actually think that it was invented by the Slingshot brothers, right?

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why not? america is actually the mutt meme. most places have some amount of brown people.

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I want reallocate in NY, my tulpa lives there.

Brighton beach? A lot of upstate NY is beautiful too.
I live in PA and there really are a billion russians in the Deleware Valley area. Most of them work in STEM jobs. I helped run a summer camp a few years back and a lot of the kids were running around speaking russian (or maybe it was ukranian, I forget)

complete degradation in Russia everywhere, dictatorship of violence and threats of violence.

Why would the most successful country in the history of humankind accept me as a citizen? I'm not a scientist or anything so I'm worthless.

Better than Turkey.

I am skilled code developer, i will work on wall street, btw my tulpa is toy of Sasha Grey, i bought her on ebay.

healthcare work is one route you can take. desu a lot of countries all over the world import healthcare workers. you could probably find work in europe's aging population too, if not easier than in america.

The game is not over, you can never win, you can only be the lead, just like Britain, Spain, Roma and Mongols were on the lead for a time.

How is it not?

Geographic isolation means we are well protected from nation states that are overseas. We have access to the Atlantic and the Pacific both by controlling the coasts and controlling the Panama Canal. We have a very large Navy which allows us to project our forces across the seas and land in Africa, Europe, and Asia. We have large aerospace companies like Boeing that create the best commercial aircraft and military aircraft to fulfill large contracts with the countries buying them. We also encourage our customers to buy American through lobbying and subsidizing their contracts with the US Dollars backed first by Gold (by holding the largest reserves of gold) then by Petroleum, which is accepted and distributed by any bank that holds foreign exchange reserves. China is jealous and wants the world to depend on it's currency which is pegged to the US dollar. In the long term either the Petro Dollar loses its value and is replaced by another world currency or the US dollar is divorced from Petroleum and its value is attached to something else.

Is the world destroyed?

No but there is no way the US will let anyone replace them.

No one is going ask nicely.
Rome lasted for over 2k years but even they collapsed. The US may continue to be the dominant power for some decades more, maybe even another century, but it wont be forever.

the US is a crumbling empire that won't live to see the end of this century

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The game of nations is still being played, and currently the US is losing while China is winning pretty hard while the world isn't looking. An empire is dying and another is growing.

Europe unified as a whole, Russia, Turkey, and Iran are also in the game. India is trying to play as well.

Britain bailed out of Europe for some reason. Maybe they foresaw something?

>run and populated by Germanic people from start to finish
>won an independence war against the British Empire
>disconnected from Old World drama
>Louisiana Purchase, Manifest Destiny
>won and survived a civil war against Southern secessionists
>has owned a huge temperate piece of land ever since, one of the top three regions on the planet no less
>borders only a passive Anglo colony to the north, and a weak desert country to the south
>unhindered sea access to the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, the world's two biggest
>interfered in two consecutive world wars as soon as victory was assured
>saved Europe from Nazi authority and Western Europe from the Soviets while showing the rest of the world who's boss
>acquired the most glorious flag and borders to ever exist
>graced the capitalist world with Germanic American science and kino, Celto-Germanic cuisine, and African-American music among other things
>influenced Japan to spawn quality tech, video games, and anime
>eventually oversaw the collapse of the Soviet Union and asserted itself as the global superpower
>has kept going strong until this day
God bless the United States of America

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