Did you guys know that Poccия is big?
Did you guys know that Poccия is big?
Poccия oчeнь бoльшaя cтpaнa (пepвaя в миpe)
Cвoя cтoлицa - Mocквa
Cвoй oфициaльный язык - pyccкий
Pyccкий нapoд oчeнь кpyтo и cвoя иcтopия и кyльтypa oчeнь интepecныe
It's smaller than Texas.
Fun fact, Texas is so big you can fit the entire United States into Texas.
Лyчшe cкaзaть 'eё cтoлицa'
pyccкий нapoд oчeнь кpyтoй и их иcтopия и кyльтypa oчeнь интepecны
whats that???
You know it used to be even bigger ?
A small, relatively unknown country in Asia.
It's next to North Korea, I believe.
russia stronk
Cпacибo дpyг, я нe знaю кoгдa иcпoльзoвaть "cвoй" :(
it refers to the subject in the sentence, think of it as 'one's self' or 'one's own,' so there isnt seperate words for himself, herself, ourselves, you just use cвoй
sorry not ones self, only ones own, ones self would be ceбя
Based and Texaspilled
We are a colonial country with comprador elites who are painfully disinterested in providing any infrastructure, what do you want from us?
Start by upping your tiger game
Why is this allowed? Burgers should be forced to return all tigers to Asia where they belong. They aren't supposed to live in backyards
It's pretty amazing that the Russian SFSR didn't break up, considering how diverse it is
>Return the tigers to Asia
>they all get turned into Chinese medicine
Hard pass
>return all the Tigers to the countries which are pushing then to extinction
Easy there with the racism. The wild tiger population of Asia has been growing again in recent years. Your rednecks can keep their tigers in the backyards because they're probably inbred as fuck
>people think the mercator projection reflects its actual size
i mean it's not that big
It's as big as your entire continent
Regardless of map projection 10% of all land on Earth is a non-trivial size
I don't think it's racist to dislike the culture of traditional Chinese medicine. It's an abhorrent practice. I'm very glad that the Chinese people are finally abandoning its practice.
oh i know. i just wonder how many people even know about the mercator projection. most normies don't
duh, thanks to us
chink-chong-ding-dongs will stew them all and release a new strain of corona onto humanity
You have to go back to 80s and prevent the "greatest geopolitical disaster in modern history"
In case of Korea it's because of the Japanese
To 1904*
>in case of ching-chong it's ping-pong
fun fact, most of the territory is forests and fields, the other fact forests burn. In childhood I lived in small siberian town, and every year people were lost going to the forest (you can easily get lost in field that situated between two forest lines) also the trees in these forests are very close to each other
>In childhood I lived in small siberian town
near what city/region?
North of Irkutsk oblast
This is what "ching-chong ping-pong" cities look like
And this is what Russian cities look like, right across the border.
The only cities that matter are st petersburg and moscow, change my mind
there's novosibirsk