My ranking over the nicest sounding indo-european languages;

my ranking over the nicest sounding indo-european languages;

god tier - would suck dick without hesitation only after having heard the voice;
french, british english, russian, irish

icelandic, norwegian, swedish, spanish, portuguese, ukrainian, belarussian

polish, czech, slovak, serbian, croatian, lithuanian, latvian, slovenian

german, austrian german, swiss german, danish, south american "spanish", belgian "french", italian, swiss "french"


disgrace to humanity/ooga booga;
greek, albanian, american "english", dutch, brazilian "portuguese", finnish, estonian, hungarian, turkish, bulgarian, romanian, iranian, irish "english",

Attached: A.B.Frost_1879-12_Harper's_355_p160_English_th.png (943x858, 140.93K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Where's hindustani

my fellow indo-european brother :)

>finnish, estonian, hungarian, turkish


yes lad it's my own ranking no need to foam go make your own

>ranking over the nicest sounding indo-european languages
So why do you put spanish on good and greek on disgrace to humanity/ooga booga, they almost have the same phonetics.


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shit list

Very good, I agree with you on a 99% but Greek is great

seething ooga-booga speaker
now that i think about it i'd probably rank greek higher i am somewhat ignorant about the language

He meant that Hungarian, Turkish, Estonian, and Finnish are not Indo-Euro languages as you stated in your post.

Also, he meant that Iranian is not a language.

Greek is nice you slav trash

Nicest sounding indo-european languages

God tier

Good tier

Average & Bad

Ooga booga
>The rest

another ooga-booga speaker opinion discarded kindly fuck off to your mud hut you subhuman
to my defence i was originally planning to do a ranking of all languages just to realise how much work that'd be so i just memed lad

you are a low iq slav retard, please delete this shit thread

Threads cannot be deleted by the OPs.

Thank you for the informative post, my Turkish friend

they can be but not if it is done too late

already gathered a decent number of you's lad seems like my thread's been more successful than your autistic ramblings suggest, now fuck off you ooga-booga

Tier 1: romance and greek
Tier 2: slavic
Tier 3: germanic

sort of oversimplified but i respect your opinion

bait thread

God tier:
-European English, French and Castillian Spanish

Austrolopitecus tier:
-the rest

How fucking butthurt was the nigel who made this

A bit more nuance:
From romance, I like Italian the most due to rhythm and pronounciation. Then it's greek and spanish (sound very similar to me), and then french.

From slavic I prefer Polish and Czech (which sound very similar to me) over Russian. Despite the s-sz-ś-cz-etc. snakey sounds, it sounds cute and coherent. Russian can sound like a very thick villager accent of Polish sometimes. Still cute when spoken by a girl though.

From Germanic, I'd put english first due to being softer than the others. Then I'd put Dutch and then German, in terms of softness. However I believe dutch lacks rhythm (german is better in that regard) and we overuse the "kh" sound.
Last would be Norwegian I guess because it sounds absolutely retarded, prom pronunciation to rhythm and everything. Don't know much about swedish/danish but I guess they're similar.

not a language: polish

no need to be upset hans

call me ooga booga one more time and ill kill you

Above God Tier

Attached: mace folk costume.jpg (2000x1461, 367.84K)

T. Slzywkctselzrdsdgj

t. ooga-booga

>god tier
>french, british english
why are you gay?

strongly disagree, it sounds like speaking a slavic language with your mouth full

hello, fellow SARMATO - TÜRKIC Bvll

i am not, i am just fully aware of the real superiors that half the world copies in vain hopes of them not noticing