
Fiesta ST edition

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More of a Saab man myself

a month ago we were at 230 deaths, now it's over 17,000


>hurrr durrrr hurrrrrr

used to play games on hardest difficulty now can barely complete them on normal

age has not been kind to my reactions and hand eye coordination

fuck off nonce


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Same I can't coordinate my left and right hands any more

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is just a flu bro

>i look positively mediterranean in the summer lad, don't know what you're on about

games have gotten a lot easier too so you mustve fell really far

Anyone here actually own a car not on finance?

leave your room some time rorke just sit in the garden for a bit yea

absolutely gutted that saab went out of business



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How many old fucks die in a month on average in the uk?

>there's no proper sun here
nice way of saying you haven't been outside for the whole of april

massive cope

me operating the camera

>be shitposting on /ck/
>Get banned for trolling
NOT cool

Arguably the biggest cope I've ever seen here

Yes, a 2007 volkswagen jetta

It’s a nice car, economical, quite pretty, handles well, etc

>And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
it's all going to be ok lads

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Rorke denying the existence of the process of getting a tan

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London... Home.

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probably the biggest cope on 4channel right now

English people go red and peel

always wondered what it's like being a porn camera guy

You must be one hell of a troll... Props big man

Considering doing a pseudo /brit/ post on my Instagram. Not quite full /brit/, but enough to ruffle a few feathers. Something like "Simply can't get my head around women or their ridiculous ways. Absolutely baffling creatures."


Peng. Nicest ones imo are the half plaster with exposed brick on the top floors

the ute

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reported for racism
>inb4 announcing reports
i don't care. racism should NEVER be tolerated here and i'm proud to say i'm doing my part.

*leftypol starts shaking with anger*

Lad, do you honestly not know how to get a tan?

im so horny

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My thoughts are you'll get no response and people will think you're weird

Go away paki

Corsa lads rise up

>pronounced "yoot"

Rorke saying he has no capacity to produce melanin because brown people naturally have more melanin

Let’s not start posting cringe sweetie


how else would it be pronounced you madman

it's not "just a flu". It's not even half as dangerous.

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If you're British you go from white to pink in the sun
If you're a JF wog paki foreigner yeah you'll likely be brown anyway

don't really know, just thought it were strange

now THIS is based


Thoughts on girls with hairy fannies?

having a dead set true blue vb long neck to get the juices flowing before an arvo trip to bunnings for a sausage sanger fucking oath cunt

>Rorke looks like this but believes his extreme right wing beliefs will make the girls think he's incredibly macho.

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It's short for utility you div.

All workes confirmed for being albinos

Does peeing in a vagina feel different from cumming in a vagina?



Looks like a wholesome guy

i'm not racist but i can and will tolerate racism


nice phonepost leftypol

fuck up paki twat


which countries actually enjoy tourists? feel like the only country ive been to where the locals were a fan of us was croatia

might filter rorke and leftypol

thats annual flu / deaths compared with 3 months of covid lol

how does rorke's mother get those next jeans so clean?

never came in a vagina before but i came in a girl's mouth once and it felt quite similar to doing a wee

being french is an incurable disease

nice satanic trips leftypol
they suit you well

Rorke confirming that hes always on his PC, threatened by 'normies'

Death to all who follow Islam

Halfway through 'how to win friends and influence people'. Dated, waffly nonsense but the key points are good. Very little point criticising people unless you want them to work in opposition to you.

how does leftypol's wife's son get the cum out of leftypol's beard?

Why is it so difficult for women to develop a personality? All of their hobbies are just narcissistic instagrammable bullshit like travelling or going to the gym

How do I learn to play bluegrass guitar?

drank too much too soon

Any non tourist country

Right who's nicked my nail clippers???

the hardest man on /brit/ by a country mile

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I find it funny how people who tout these conspiracy theories (coronavirus isn't real, 5G causes cancer) rarely have scientific qualifications

> Rorke confirming that hes always on his PC, threatened by 'normies'

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when i went to eastern europe the language barrier was too much

No it's not you dumb cunt.

Leftypol playing Animal Crossing with your trans and pansexual friends from Discord doesn't mean you're normal

maybe look for women who aren't normies you dullard incel

beauty mate

anybody who phoneposts deserves a painful death

you don't need qualifications to know the facts

just realised i haven't seen anyone non-white all day

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playing a spooky game

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Nah non-normie women are too ugly

does he still post here?

Rorke claiming that anyone who doesn't spend all day in front of a desktop PC or owns a smartphone plays animal crossing with transsexuals

I am from London

New anti-glare coating on your monitor?

want to shave my head but i dont have much left on the top and i know if/when i shave it its never gonna grow back

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probably not as bad as you imagine

bit of a reach but i'll allow this to zing me

Haven’t seen a non-white in over a month now

what you doing in pakistan you cheeky bugger?

is my level 2 hairdressing btec from blackburn polytechnic not good enough for you?

Move to the countryside, I see more non whites in an hour on the TV than I do in months irl.

they have no reason or need to

trust me lad it is

Might put more retinol on my face tonight


unironically don't think anyone in here can heem me

imagine being the first man in the industrial revolution to replace a human being with a machine
imagine the sense of power
he must have felt like a god

what’s your head shape like?
who knows you might be lucky and be one of those 5% of men who look better bald

what's that? acne stuff?

Did this a few weeks ago and growing back already, 3 weeks is enough time to grow a reasonable amount unless you're balding

literally only ever met 2 non-white people in my first 18 years

State of you leftypol

Leftypol claiming that anyone who doesn't spend all day playing animal crossing with transsexuals must be in front of a desktop PC all day

i have quite a round head so im pretty sure bald is not a possibility