Which country has the most aesthetic Chinese character style?
Which country has the most aesthetic Chinese character style?
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arr rook same
which one does singapore use?
what the fuck
Seriously how the fuck are you supposed to memorize all those symbols?
It's surprisingly easy. It just looks hard. Idk why Korea abandoned hanja. I hate hangul only REEEEEEE
敎 眞 靑
why 骨豊? it should be 骨肉 i think
they did it during childhood it's much harder as adults
Taiwanese characters since they use traditional Chinese ones and most sinospherical countries' writing systems are based on them
>memorize the radicals
>combine the radicals and tie them to a mnemonic to remember characters
repeat this 3万-10万 times
kek what the hell is 豊
as far as I can remember 曲 is some musical instrument and 豆 is bean
This is what elementary school children learn lol
Singapore uses simplified characters (cn on OP's image)
You have to deconstruct each character by its radicals or elements (Kangxi radicals), write them using the Pleco app or books, watch East-Asian tv shows (they always have subtitles), etc...
>敎 眞 靑
based conservative autists. I wish Korea was still ultra confucian autist
In Japan we used simplified character 豊 for 豐, but 豊 is actually a different character that existed before simplification with a different meaning
>imagine existing for centuries and not being able to create a fucking alphabet
東海물과 白頭山이 마르고 닳도록
하느님이 保佑하사 우리나라 萬歲. 無窮花 三千里 華麗 江山
大韓 사람, 大韓으로 길이 保全하세!
In my opinion the Japanese have the best compromise between traditional characters and simplifying them.
sorry I use asian punctuation
東海물과白頭山이마르고닳록하느님이保佑하사우리나라萬歲。 無窮花三千里華麗江山大韓사람、大韓으로길이保全하세!
They suck
japanese its not even real
its bunch of chinese alphabet and english words
What the actual fuck is this thing? Is it even a character?
Yeah it's a very common traditional character
minecraft window
mixing two writing system is fucking retarded
just enough knowing meaning of it
try this
China, because of simplified writing
It's loss
Just takes a long ass time. There's a story for each symbol. Writing by hand is always difficult and as people no longer really habitually write by hand they forget how to write even relatively common ones.
訓練場훈련장에 나선 兵士병사는
單단숨에란 말을 사랑해
걸음마다 그 말 울리며
펄펄나는 勇猛용맹 키우네
山산을 넘어도 單단숨에
江강을 건너도 單단숨에
번개같이 불이 번쩍 單단숨에
單단숨에 單단숨에 單단숨에
䨻龘䲜靐䨺齉䖇䴒䶫齾䯂䰱䴑爩鱻麤龗䨊灪籲龖䚖䡿䴐灩虋虌饢麣䂅䆐䉹䖆䶑厵癵籱韊驫鱺鸝鸞䀍䄥䖂䖃䖄䥹䯁䰖䶩䶪爨纞虊讟钃靏驪鬱鱹鸛鸜麷驪㠨㿜䖁䘎䠱䤙䦆 .䨺齉䖇䴒䶫齾䯂䰱䴑爩鱻麤龗䨊灪籲龖䚖䡿䴐灩虋虌饢麣䂅䆐䉹䖆䶑厵癵籱韊驫鱺鸝鸞䀍䄥䖂䖃䖄䥹䯁䰖䶩䶪爨纞虊讟钃靏驪鬱鱹鸛鸜麷驪㠨㿜䖁䘎䠱䤙䦆 .
䨻龘䲜靐䨺齉䖇䴒䶫齾䯂䰱䴑爩鱻麤龗䨊灪籲龖䚖䡿䴐灩虋虌饢麣䂅䆐䉹䖆䶑厵癵籱韊驫鱺鸝鸞䀍䄥䖂䖃䖄䥹䯁䰖䶩䶪爨纞虊讟钃靏驪鬱鱹鸛鸜麷驪㠨㿜䖁䘎䠱䤙䦆 .虋虌饢麣䂅䆐䉹䖆䶑厵癵籱韊驫鱺鸝鸞䀍䄥䖂䖃䖄䥹䯁䰖䶩䶪爨纞虊讟钃靏驪鬱鱹鸛鸜麷驪㠨㿜䖁䘎䠱䤙䦆 .䨺齉䖇䴒䶫齾䯂䰱䴑爩鱻麤龗䨊灪籲龖䚖䡿䴐灩虋虌饢麣䂅䆐䉹䖆䶑厵癵籱韊驫鱺鸝鸞䀍䄥䖂䖃䖄䥹䯁䰖䶩䶪爨纞虊讟钃靏驪鬱鱹鸛鸜麷驪㠨㿜䖁䘎䠱䤙䦆 .虋虌饢麣䂅䆐䉹䖆䶑厵癵籱韊驫鱺鸝鸞䀍䄥䖂䖃䖄䥹䯁䰖䶩䶪爨纞虊讟钃靏驪鬱鱹鸛鸜麷驪㠨㿜䖁䘎䠱䤙䦆 .靐䨺齉䖇䴒䶫齾䯂䰱䴑爩鱻麤龗䨊灪籲龖䚖䡿䴐灩虋虌饢麣䂅䆐䉹䖆䶑厵癵籱韊驫鱺鸝鸞䀍䄥䖂䖃䖄䥹䯁䰖䶩䶪爨纞虊讟钃靏驪鬱鱹鸛鸜麷驪㠨
go blind now jap
Some are repeating
based writing system BTFOing pixellets