Why did they survive while Egyptians became Arabs?

Why did they survive while Egyptians became Arabs?

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Egypt hadn't existed as a proper thing since the first Persian Empire

Egyptians and Persians are both whiter than greeks though

Also Egyptians (and Albanian officers) ultra-dabbed on greeks in the 1810s-1820s

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Disney eyes

I am Greek and I do not look like this guy.


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I mean think about it, you'd never be ablt to kill someone with Disney eyes, other sandniggers like turks, algerians, egyptians? sure they're ugly you can kill them but look at this picture

could you ever bring yourself to kill something this cute?

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The better question is why Anatolia became Turkish and not Iran despite Iran being closer to the Turkish homeland.

Isn't Iran one of those >never conquered nations?

Both of them are filthy smelly sabdmonkeys tho

Iran is the always conquered nation. They spent the last 1400 years under arab, mongolic and turkic yoke.

>never conquered nation

The core regions of Iran were more populated and undesirable to the Turks were Anatolia was underpopulated and desirable to the Turks

Iran is constantly conquered but the conquerors are either already or become Persianised.

Why was Anatolia underpopulated?

t. Urtan Alibali

t. Wawrzyniec Zajaczkowski

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sounds like an asspul

Iranians are like chinks in that every time they're conquered they cope about how they exported their culture and it became a persianate or whatever

It's how chinese cope with being Mongol/Manchurian slaves for most of their modern history

t. Cypriot

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Most egyptians are ethnic egyptians, not just coptics. Arabs initially did not marry conquered peoples because they didn't want non-arabics to convert to islam, and egyptians outnumbered both the occupying arab army and arabs in general.

Apart from Arabs, all other groups that invaded Iran disowned their native culture for Persian one and became assimilated into Iranian society. Iranians had talent of making foreigners become infatuated by their culture.

If you think arabs had no influence on Iran you're retarded.

Copts still exist OP. Their language literally Modern Egyptian.

It is true that they all became Persianised/Sinicised. I mean the third Mongol ruler of China had already abandon Tengrism and started styling his rule and army in a Chinese style. An argument could be made for Manchu who weren't exactly Han Chinese but even they changed very little outside of clothing and hairstyle. All this racial nonsense is dumb and I don't know why Americans are obsessed with it.

Copts aren't anymore "Egyptian" than Arab Egyptians and coptic is a dead language outside of church

Besides more recent history of 1000 plus years they first are recorded people when they were ruled by Sumerians.

Egypt is a meme culture liked by women and sois. Chads like Greece and Persia. The question is why Mesopotamia became arab. Maybe it was too based to continue existing.

But he seems like so proud him roots


>In interviews, he has described himself as, "100 percent Greek.

Centuries of wars as a border region between the Islamic world and the Christian world. The Byzantines really only regained full control of it a few decades before the Turks came through and before manzikert they were raiding for decades prior.

Do you want to live in the baking desert that Meeks up the majority of Iran

Yeah because the nicities of civilization are better than tents on the steepe. If ancient Turks were teleported to modern Africa they'd assimlate there too

> is the eldest child of Cynthia (née Mourousas) and William Mantzoukas.

Ah yes Cynthia and William, famous 100% Greek names here.

Yeah, pretty easily. It's not that cute.