What are some kino university buildings/faculties in your cunt?

What are some kino university buildings/faculties in your cunt?

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Good shit guys, very kino

I love looking at the architecture

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My university is a total meme in this regard. You're either located in some beautiful stuff in the centre or they ship you off to some ugly fucking campus full of total jokes like this.

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groningen right? my friend went there, i think he was in the same building

I studied at this university. Not a kino, but it looks not bad at all, relative to others, in the region.

Yeah. To put things in perspective this is what it would look like if you study law, economics or other social sciences.
It's mainly STEM that gets send to the campus, though obviously it makes some sense considering they need labs

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looks cool
buildings don't have to be neoclassical to be cool

that colour looks kino af

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Florida State University

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University of Florida

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You do know that kino means movies, right? How can buildings be movies?

University of Central Florida

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You're right, but that particular case is abysmal. Looks very cheap, almost reminds me of my universities here lmao

This is one of my campuses

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that quote is cringe, not going to lie

Can non-whites even compete with EVROPEAN architecture?

That's a dystopian sounding quote desu

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i had some colleges here, its an old observatory

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