Can people larping as officers get away with murdering children in your country?

Can people larping as officers get away with murdering children in your country?

Attached: zimmer.jpg (780x826, 110.61K)

Zimzam didn't break any laws. I remember the case, I was amazed that DA even agreed to prosecute that nonsense, and I think he must have been under political pressure to do it so that at least it looked like they were taking it seriously, and maybe avoid Rodney King-tier race riots in Florida. Still the dude was NEVER going to be convicted. He didn't break the law. If you don't like the law you can try to have it changed, but Zimmerman was never going to prison nor should he have.

what's fascinating about it is that if you're an american, you can cleverly kill someone and get away with it with the proper instigation

Thats why arabs and turks kill almost only under 21 here

that fairy tale shit only happens in movies. unless you're rich as fuck. then it doesn't matter what country you live in, you can probably get away with murder with enough $$$$$

>Hehe you punched me, guess I can murder you now

You don't have to like it, but that's the law in Florida, that's how it is down there.

and it's wrong, who cares what the law says

Why was he portrayed as white in the media? He's clearly mestizo

because whyte ppl bad

So the court should have convicted and imprisoned Zimmerman for NOT breaking any laws? How does that work exactly?

>this is white according to Yas Forums

change the laws, braindead cuck, durr it's like this so that means it's good and will stay this way, 10IQ argument

In Canada? it would seem so, yes.

Yep that’s florida
The gaping asshole of our land

>Looks like a Ratino
>Has a German surname

For sure, you can put pressure on the government to change those laws. Then if Zimmerman does it again they can actually send him to prison. But he still walks on the Trayvon killing.

The Amerimutt meme is real

>Can people larping as officers get away with murdering children in your country?
>get away with

That nigga dead, yo.

Its amazing how these those things are absolute facts :
1- Zim is a brown hispanic man of recent immigrant background
2-Trayvon assulted him heavily and caused open wounds on his fucking skull
And yet American media can get away with spreading false information that he was white and shoot him in cold blood, a lie that caused a nation wide riot crisis and nobody lost their job, no fines where given, no one was forced to apologize,etc
What in the name of fuck is going on in that shithole?

LARPing as police is mega illegal here. Contrary to the US uniforms of private security is not even allowed to resemble police uniforms.

keep your hands to yourself if you don't want to catch a bullet. it's simple

cope. he is white.

I don't know, he seemed travel with impunity across an entire province with people obediently dying

To this day he unironically did nothing wrong. The most hilarious part is all the news sites photoshopping his image to make him appear superficially whiter. On the day of the hammer and sickle news executives should be the first to go.

I can still recall turning on the television literally as they read out the verdict of not guilty. Happenstance is awfully weird some times.

>And yet American media can get away with spreading false information that he was white and shoot him in cold blood
They failed in the end, that's all that matters
Most white/hispanic/asian people think Zim was in the right

No he isn't, and neither are you, Pablito Sanchez-Cortez-Lopez-Martinez.

you live in a bubble

*Most racist bloodthirsty americans

bait confirmed

Attached: zimzam.png (640x648, 279.3K)

You couldn’t be more wrong lmao

>No he isn't,
He is white. Anyone can be white, white is an ethnicity not a race.
>and neither are you
>Pablito Sanchez-Cortez-Lopez-Martinez.
Yes my name is white european in orgin

When I was a dumb kid, if some creepy man was following me I would’ve stepped up to him too


im white

He's part peruvian and that makes him based, plus the little nigga deserved it