How do mountainlets cope with living in an inferior terrain?
How do mountainlets cope with living in an inferior terrain?
I don't get it. You guys have a stunning nature, decent food and some nice music too (lots of saxophonists from Bulgaria and Makedonija for whatever reason, it's nice).
Why don't you focus on these things instead of LARPing as some ancient tribe from a few thousand years ago? Skopje wasn't even a part of the Macedonian empire.
Is it Tito's fault?
Go on a mountain and chill a bit lad
oh wait...
>oh wait...
We have lots of mountains bro, you've just cropped the largest ones out of your image.
that's just a frozen wasteland with no greenery to enjoy
>mountain city
>also best city
does this happen in your country?
That's just wrong though.
>tfw barely made it thanks to Tatras
lmao at mountainlets
those are hills
he is retarded dont mind him
he could have chosen any landscape to prove his point but he chose värmland which is as flat as scania
>that flag
>that post
stfu mountainlet. Pic related is from the same place except a few kilometers away
because its easier to sell the story of us being great kings and ruling the world than just a region of people who started building a national identity of the people living here only in the late 19th century after 500 years of ottoman rule(much of it shared with the countries next to us,giving us a similiar culture and allowing them to make the claim of us being the same),and then a few decades later we end up as part of another country and the idea of being independent became illegal
The origin of the alexander thing is pretty interesting too,the ''greek'' administration first started it to help assimilate the slavs(called bulgarians back then but the truth was that those people were the fiercest fighters for an independent macedonian nation and freedom from ottoman rule) that used to be the majority in northern greece(current greek region of macedonia),it was then adopted by yugoslavia in full force and fed to everyone through the education system which was pretty much unchanged after 1991,i think they have to change the history books now but i've been out of school for a while
Yes our nature is great and i only grew to appreciate it after traveling and seeing a big part of europe,and living in netherlands for 3 months which is the complete opposite of here geographically
My favorite part about our nature is that a lot of it is untouched and you get a feeling of looking at something real compared to forests planted by people and planned beforehand
whoa... more hills...
you know just because the word berget is in it does not mean it is a mountain. those are hills
Shut the fuck up you retarded fucking värmlänning. We have real mountains
I don't. The plains are pretty comfy
yes this is a mountain
>when the horizon is over 100 miles away
>that's just a frozen wasteland with no greenery to enjoy
If there's greenery at the mountain tops then they're not real mountains bro
i always find it funny when swedes post about mountains. shure you have them and i have seen them myself, but like almost anyone else who has traveled around sweden pic related is what we remember of it.
Who gives a fuck about mountains
Bitch, please...
those on your image are steep hills tho
also no one said anything about the top
boring landscape to look at
also hills
>boring landscape to look at
Don't care about your opinion, now shut the fuck up mountain nigger.
still hills?
i see this everyday out of my room window
They are similar to the Romanians, who consider themselves descendants of the Roman Dacians, when in fact they are related to the Albanians.
kek, meds actually think this.
sure you do