afternoon lads
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decided I will vote for Boris next election
can somebody please tell me what sam fender meant by this? leftypol is refusing to give me answers
'Cause I'm a white male, full of shame
My ancestry is evil, and their evil is still not gone
Their evil is still not gone
Their evil is still not gone
thinking about poo again.
alri tom
The leftypol... they’re everywhere!
maybe get a life yeah?
alerting the authorities to this early thread
not on my watch bucko
Lenin's 150th birthday tomorrow
Miss that little nibba like you wouldn't believe x
can't back up your claims eh leftypol lad
gf can tease me for having a tiny willy
but i get to cum and she doesnt, so why would i get upset?
>at least you know you're serving a good cause with the state
Do you? I trust the state as much as I can throw it. Never really been under the impression that politicians or bureaucrats have my best interests at heart
We'd literally be at
>would rather be a slave to the state than a slave to toilberg, at least you know you're serving a good cause with the state
>let's face it, you're a slave either way
haven't eaten anything since sunday
had a bit of a tumble in the shower because i was feeling faint ahaha
Watched sissy hypno all day again
Please help
anouncing a report?
When will barbers reopen?
just close the tabs
I'm no english teacher but I think he's saying white people have done shameful things and still do
so what is the hidden meaning behind that?
Sam fender lives in your head rent free
Well I'm glad you asked instead of continuing to be retarded
>It's all just ammunition for the right-wing press
Sam is simply stating that there's a political agenda by news papers to get readers riled by misinformation, whether it be for profit values, political value or so forth. Specifically, in this instance, in the song he talks about liberal types and how they don't understand anything about the working class
>The patriarchy is real, the proof is here in my song
Well it's true isn't it? But I feel like he's talking specifically about the music industry here. On average, more male bands and artists were able to sign record deals in the past. It's only very recently that there are more female fronted bands and artists hitting the mainstream and achieving success.
>I'll sit and mansplain every detail of the things it does wrong
Again, this is specifically in reference to the patriarchial structure of the music business ongoing and in the past.
He has no idea what it is like to be from an ethnic background, or anyone thats a minority group. Its quite easy for white males to get their opinions voiced and valued in Great Britain, which he's evidently not proud of. And I don't blame him tbf.
>'Cause I'm a white male, full of shame
He's done things that he regrets, and he's at an age where he accepts and reflects on it. He's able to understand he's had it significantly easy.
>My ancestry is evil, and their evil is still not gone
I don't know why he says his ancestry is evil, I think he's talking about all the misdeeds White people have done and how it still continues to this very day. Racism, homophobia, sexism etc. etc.
is it weird that i dont find her attractive?, looks like a duck or a thunderbirds character
under comunism/socialism the state becomes toilberg
zero sum game
bet your room stinks
They’re already open in Germany apparently. I imagine they’ll be one of the first things to reopen.
why lad
Why not?
got my dad to cut my hair the other day, he actually did an alright job
I just want you to explain what it really means leftypol
it shouldn't be that hard
you seemed pretty certain about it
Communists be like "ok I WILL remain a slave just as long as nobody but the top party officials are allowed luxury goods i can get jealous about" lmao xd xd
not a word
just don't feel like eating
the US is being held hostage because of the enormous shit hole that is NYC and its metro area
Shes average who is she
don't do any of these haha
this just makes it worse
>everyone is leftypol
>everyone is the same poster
howdy schizoid
For the U.K., it’s London. We need to lockdown London while reopening the rest of the country.
imagine typing this out
kate rich
Cant wonder how to starving african children must feel :(
never read a bigger bunch of bollocks in my life
Got a fresh trim yesterday
you've just proved rorkes point
look at this cheeky bastard
*goes straight to the adult board*
only governments can operate on the scale big enough to fix the planet. like how only a government can issue stimulus plans for the economy
mind 7chan
ok I'm giving this one to rorke after this terrible display
No point any more mate, London has already peaked before the rest of the UK. You've actually got it backwards.
i'm a gynephile
This. So much this.
So they werent misconstrue anything?
NEED a slag to spit in my gob ASAP
do humans really have the biggest cocks of all primates
how do you work that out?
reckon rhinos have bigger
Said it before and I'll say it again but /brit/ is more political than brit/pol/
Reason for this is that brit/pol/ is full of people who all think the same way so when there isn't big news happening they have nothing much to talk about apart from blogposts because there's nothing to debate about, they all agree with each other
/brit/ meanwhile has a diversity of opinions from across the political spectrum which opens up political arguments every single day as there's always something new to disagree on
Which is why /brit/ really isn't a righty general or a lefty general or a centrist general. It's a multi party democracy
Lucky you. How busy was it? I’ll probably be due for a cut when they reopen, so I need to know the best time to turn up.
leftypol on the ropes
>mind races with ideas while i'm in bed trying to sleep
>can barely conjure a coherent thought while i'm up and about
whats wrong with me
This. Actually thinking of shaving my head
thats not a primate
love andy samberg
Swinging a lizard lads
leftypol on the rope (swinging) after that effort
Fairly certain rhinos aren't primates
divided we fall
The good guys of history!
Big fan
remember not even 24 hours ago when we were all talking about oil
You have to book in advance because they're only allowed a certain number of people in the shop at once
So the answer is not busy but there's probably a large backlog of people who want a cut
all me
cities around the world are closing streets permanently to cars due to 'rona
cagers on the ropes
careful lad the tail will detach and he'll get away
what does /brit/ think of italy? not many british tourists come here compared to spain. why is that
Gyppo jack still posting here?
haha yeah true mate
*walks away and talks to someone else*
genuinely wish i had irl friends like andy and joe
Imagine if your willy was this big compared to your body
Athens too I'd say
Brought about democracy and civilisation while the rest of the world was barbaric
no negroids do
i wasnt
EU should have enough resources without us but are still struggling
new nikes i bought have glue stains all over them, not sure whether to return them
me entering /brit/
i'll be your mate. my name's jack (giacomo)
only when erect though. puberty would be a bit more awkward
vacuum cleaner cock crikey
only poor subhumans go to spain, dont feel left out lad x
going to acquisition a lexmoto lxr 380 and go absolutely doopin mental on the streets of swindon
The ol lunchbreak
moved from the bad work laptop to my own good desktop for 30 minutes
Yeah return them if you can be bothered they shouldn't send you shoddy shoes
sometimes it be like it do
I've been all over the world and Italy is my favourite country
This general used to be right wing no doubt about it
dunno why that is but when i was a kid Italy was seen as a rich country whereas now it seem like abit of a dump, m8 went last year for the football and got blantantly ripped off a few times in restaurants and shops
*surreptitiously googles primate penis size*
doing better than the uk
where did he go?
still is
don't forget australia aha we always picked the right side
remembering my school days when i always wore trousers that were too tight around the crotchular area so whenever i sat down it would constrict the willard and give me a stonking erection
>from across the political spectrum
from right wing to so far to the right they make hitler look leftie.
Not brit but love italy
>when she replies to your message with 'hello'
its over
need a derpina gf
spain is thought of as a party like country with siestas and shit
italy is for fancy rich people
Hello lads how are things
Great Britain is the natural successor to Pax Romana
I pine for the good old days before the election when /brit/ was a lefty bastion of intelligence, oh how we'd spend hours late in to the night after coming home from our careers debating nietzche and marxism
Then rorke came, hordes from r*ddit spreading from Yas Forums, we were powerless to repel their sheer numbers, /brit/ was never the same
Rome and the outskirts
Didn't ask did I you fucking faggot
im brits resident italian chad, descendant of brescia protector of the north
white people be like
this game is probably responsible for so many school shooting. everyone knows sonic is autismo bait
You probably fucked up the first message
>centrist general
sounds based
>like 50% of asymptomatic cases had chest CTs with lung abnormalities
kinda scary lads
But surely we'd know if infected people had reduced lung capacity
we go to spain for beach holidays and all inclusive hotel resorts, italy doesn't really have that
i love italy though, both north and south, milan looks so nice
CANNOT stop playing mw gun game
>actually fought in vietnam
lmao what were they thinking
a bit of good old history revisionism
a staple pastime of the left
milan is a dump. come down to puglia
Don't you fucking just hate right wingers, whinge whinge whinge they are completely unable to enjoy a good song or album without them thinking it's been done deliberately to effect them with a hidden agenda. Complete narcissists unable to appreciate art, feeling and most importantly what brings people together.
You are a disease to this Country and on yourself. You have been brainwashed if you cannot appreciate culture.
White people be like salt is seasoning
lad your granda doesn't have to be done like this
you'd have a nice look with longer hair x
So rorke was right all along? Thanks for clearing that up lad.
Abortion: legal up to 12 weeks, illegal after
Guns: self defensive handguns legal after a mental health check and training, rifles legal with a hunting license
Drugs: Organic legal, synthetic illegal
Gay marriage: Legal and civil partnerships should be legal for heterosexual couples too
pining for the fjordss agaon (again)
going to pooglia for my next holiday
It is
Don stepped outside
thought we didn't want indonesia to become communist
definitely a hindsight is 20/20 vision thing but when I learnt about it in school I became a lot more sympathetic as to why the average Australian was okay with it (at first)
we livin this til the day that we die
survival of the fit only the strong survive
black people be like "where's my father" and "how long is my sentence again"
Watching videos of black people eating corn starch
don't understand why you're mad that a musician you like expresses opinions you agree with
Salt and butter are the two best seasonings
if you do, make a thread here on Yas Forums, got nice places to recommend
pro choice
anti gun
anti drugs
anti poof marriage
haha jokes on them I already have reduced lung capacity
All should be fully legal
mental how david icke was leader of the green party and the biggest theme of his talks is always pro-humanism and anti-racism
puglia's lovely mate would love to go again
righto, full on
Looks at this dood oh nonono look at the the top of his head
white people be like "this golf ball too spicy" lmaoooooooo
Rorke inferred the song was written by a hidden unwordly Jewish cabal or whatever he wrote in the drugged up schizophrenic mess he posted