This woman will be the first leader of unified Korea. Fuck moon

This woman will be the first leader of unified Korea. Fuck moon

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You seem to focus too much on her superficial attractiveness. What kind of policies does she usually advocate?

>unified korea

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Her political orientation is right wing and liberal.
She was originally an news anchor(announcer)

But she lost her job By the oppression of the Moon Jae-in government
so she ran for the general election and became a member of the National Assembly, and so many Koreans are paying attention to her

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Yes, and next step is unified skandinavia and stockholm as political capital city and helsinki as cultural capital city

She has a powerful aura and face.

Semen milking

She got plastic surgery right? Her face looks wider and rounder here.

Female leader of the wrong Korea.

Attached: Moon_Jae-in_meeting_with_North_Korean_delegates_at_Blue_House_(cropped).jpg (174x233, 30.59K)

She was in media, so she most probably did.


finland would not be part of a unified Scandinavia

That's her profile picture used during the general election.
And this is a picture when she was elected

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I'm sorry wrong pic
This is when she won In this general election

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She looks like a villain

You still think so?

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Yeah, but I mean in a hot way

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What's the appeal of getting the same plastic look? At least get something unique, this us starting to look like the plastic surgery equivalent of a 2 dollar haircut

I would unify with her.

어? 무한도전에 봤는데

I hope they agree to wrestle for leadership of a united Korea.
I want to watch.

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Imagine finding that ‘thing’ attractive.

Sorry user being gay is banned in united Korea.
I have to take you to a labour camp.

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.....which is based

>news anchor
Souless cumdump


>right wing and liberal.

You mean SEUL-less

I guess all that cuck-psy-op is harvesting fruits right now

Sans âme.


She looks like a robot

I don't wish that for her but for some reason people like that die of "mysterious" circumstances one day. Like suiciding with 2 bullets from behind.

Politics are somewhat dirty

Just because she doesn't have a BBC doesn't mean she's not attractive Americano

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